The Anthropology and the Environment Committee of the RAI have put together a list of anthropologists who are interested in environmental issues.  This list is a resource for other anthropologists and for those outside anthropology looking for a particular expertise.

If you are interested in being included please reply to and include:

  • Name
  • Affiliation
  • Contact details
  • Statement of interest
  • Geographical/topical area of interest

Name: Annamaria Szabo

Affiliation: MA Anthropology of Food, SOAS, University of London

Contact details:

Statement of interest: I have a wide interest in environmental issues and humans adaptive capabilities especially in light of the current environmental crisis through a political ecology framework.

Geographical/topical area of interest: I am writing my dissertation of the political ecology of seaweed, looking at consumption, sustainability and coastal livelihoods. This research is likely to focus on Asia-Pacific region but all regions are of interest to me.

Name: Cristiano Tallè

Affiliation: Università "L'Orientale" di Napoli (Italy) (adjunct researcher)

Contact details:,

Statement of interest:
- Anthropology of Language (relation language/environment, in particular: Place Lames, Ethnobiology, Eco-linguistics)
- Anthropology of Landscape
- Climate Changes (local knowledge VS. scientific knowledge, sustainable development)
- Foraging Economies

Geographical/topical area of interest: America, especially México (Isthmus of Tehuantepec) and Amazon Basin

Name: Andrew Tarter, P.hD.

Affiliation: Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida

Contact details:

Statement of interest: I am an anthropologist and interdisciplinary social scientist. Most of my research has been in Haiti, and examines human-environment interactions (broadly construed) in the context of: farmers; agricultural practices; landscape management; NGOs; international, domestic and diaspora-driven development; acute and chronic disasters; and public policy.

Geographical/topical areas of interest: Haiti, Caribbean, agriculture, environment, ecology, ethnobotany, methods, GIS, policy

Name: Kelzang Tashi

Affiliation: Australian National University

Contact details:

Statement of interest: Before developing an interest in anthropology, Kelzang Tashi who was born and educated in Bhutan, South Korea and Australia worked as an educator for nearly ten years with the Ministry of Education, Bhutan. He is a PhD student in the Department of Anthropology, at the Australian National University and currently working on religious syncretism, transformations, complexities and hybridisations of the pre-Buddhist religion of Tibet and Bhutan—Bon. Since nature and environment is central to  Bon cosmology, he is interested in investigating roles of Bon in addressing climate change in the Himalayas. In general, his research covers religion's relationship with the environment and ecology, and its contemporary manifestations, particularly in Bhutan. He is the recipient of prestigious Global Korean Scholarships and Fellowships (2011), South Korea and Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships (2016), Australia.

Geographical/topical area of interest: Bhutan and the Himalayas

Name: Jairo Tocancipá-Falla

Affiliation: Cauca University

Contact details:

Statement of interest: I am keen in sharing experiences with other colleagues on issues where knowledge and environmental adaptation and changes intersect. I am also interested in examining how research policies, governmental and non governmental, affect the value of local knowledge in finding alternatives in energy and solving local problems. Integrating local and western especialised knowledges to contribute to it, is crucial.

Geographical/topical area of interest: Latin America, although other regions with comparative purposes may be of interest too.