To meet the differing needs of RAI Fellows, several categories of Fellowship have been established. These are listed on this page. For other categories of affiliation to the RAI, click here.
Ordinary Fellowship: the standard category of Fellowship.
Student Fellowship: appropriate for students registered on taught or research programmes anywhere in the world.
Joint Fellowship: available to two individual Fellows who are co-resident and wish to register under the same surname. Only one mailing of the publications is sent.
Retired Fellowship: available to those who have been in Fellowship for 20 or more years, and have retired. Retired Fellows are eligible for a reduction on the Ordinary Fellowship fee, which must be approved in advance by the RAI office.
Life Fellowship: available to all for the Ordinary Fellowship fee x 20.
Honorary Fellowship is an honour awarded by the Council of the Institute to overseas scholars of special distinction.
Election of first-time Fellows
All those applying to become Fellows for the first time in any category must be elected by the Council of the RAI. For details of the procedure, click here.
If you meet any difficulty in applying for Fellowship or renewing your Fellowship, please contact the RAI by post at 50 Fitzroy St, London W1T 5BT, UK; by phone on + 44 (0) 20 7387 0455, or email to the Membership Manager.