
The RAI online obituaries project comprises biographical essays covering the life and work of deceased and distinguished anthropologists—usually though not necessarily RAI Fellows. RAI obituaries are designed to provide basic information about the deceased (name, dates and places of birth and death, affiliations, major publications, immediate survivors) for the record, as well as more personal remembrances, and to serve as a scholarly resource and RAI archive. The project is supervised by the Manuscripts and Archives Committee. RAI obituaries are solicited by the Obituaries Editor and published on the Institute’s website. This page is the Institute’s major portal for information about deaths of our colleagues. As a service to the Institute, please notify the RAI Obituaries Editor as soon as you learn of a death. Suggestions for possible obituarists are welcome.

Please click on a name below to read the obituary.

An excellent biographical resource by Alan Macfarlane featuring interviews and films of notable deceased and living anthropologists may be found via the following link