The list below is classified by alphabetical order. You can also view the full list by reference order. All material produced within the most recent thirty years has been omitted from this website, and there may be restrictions on viewing certain items. Please consult the archivist for further detail.

‘And what should they know of England who only England know?’ London, Royal Anthropological Institute, 1974

/1 Native labour and welfare in the Northern Territory. First phase: From Aug. 1944 to June 1945, the North-Western central part of the Northern Territory. 1946. [ii], iv, 1-215 pp. Carbon typescript. 25 x 20 cm. Addendum insertions of 1 p. each, pp. 34, 37-8, 40-1, 45, 50, 52, 54, 57, 63, 66, 68, 71, 73, 76, 78, 154. Table insertions p. 53 [3 pp.] and p. 154 [16 pp.]

Infantile development with special reference to the mother-child relationship. Johannesburg, [nd]

The dying child speaks, but do we hear him?: awareness and communication in terminally ill children. 1975