A154/        APPEALS
Correspondence and papers 1947-


AHC        Anthony H. Christie, RAI Hon. Secretary 1961-70
FS            Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary 1942-52
MWS        Dr Marian W. Smith, RAI Hon. Secretary 1956-61
WBF        William B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56

  1/    1947-48

  1    […?], RAI, to E.C.H. Jones, 14 Mar. 1947 – thanks him for sending Prof. Fleure’s aide-memoire; has made copies of it (tpc.)

  2    E.C.H. Jones to Mrs Lush, RAI, 2 Apr. – encloses note compiled by Prof. Fleure concerning a discussion; asks her to make copies (tp.)

  3    Brenda Z. Seligman to WBF, 10 Apr. – will do all she can to help in the new venture (autogr. pc)

  4    H.J. Fleure, nd – suggests preparing a memo which might go to the Minister of Education and the University Grants Committee; it would set forth the importance of anthropology and the need for developing provision for anthropology (tpc.)

  5    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (autogr.)

  6    [Mrs Lush?] to Prof. Fleure, 14 Apr. – Mr Jones has returned his aide-memoire; she has made copies (tpc.)

  7    1 May - compliments slip from Prof. Daryll Forde, RAI President 1947-49 (tp.)

  8    Jan. 1948 – list of ‘National Organizations and Secretaries: Members of the International Missionary Council’. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

  9    E.C.H. Jones to Prof. Daryll Forde, 22 Mar. – refers to his letter of 10 Mar. [not held]; refers to draft memorandum for the Ministry of Education which he has sent to his friend Williams at the Ministry (tp.)

 10    [Prof. Daryll Forde?] to E.C.H. Jones, 14 Apr. – refers to his letter of 10 Apr. [not held]; on rerouting the application to the Treasury; on approaching the Ministry of Education (tpc.)

 11    E.C.H. Jones to Prof. Forde, 19 Apr. – on consulting the Ministry of Education; suggests he write to Sir John Maud (tp.)

 12    G.G. Williams, Ministry of Education, to Prof. Fleure, 9 June 1948 – Mr Jones has sent a copy of a memorandum he compiled about the RAI; the document does not appear to proceed to any concrete conclusions regarding funds or buildings; if he is putting forward the document in any official way it will necessary to set out the policies of the RAI and requirements in regard to finance (tp.)

 13    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (tp. copy)

 14    C.W. Fogarty to the President, RAI, 24 June – acknowledges his letter of 22 June [not held] about a grant-in-aid which he will lay before the Chancellor of the Exchequer (tp.)

 15    FS to W.R. Raith, 19 Oct. – the RAI is anxious to increase membership, and to bring home the importance of anthropology to those whose careers will bring them into contact with colonial peoples; asks for a list of Colonial probationers with addresses (tpc.)

 16    Ibid. to the Rev. J.A. Angus, ibid. – reminds him that he offered to distribute literature about the RAI; asks how many copies he could dispose of (tpc.)

 17    R.E. Wraith to FS, 21 Oct. – cannot supply a list of addresses; there are nearly 200 men on the present Courses; suggests she get in touch with Mr Elliott at the Colonial Service Club who knows the addresses (tp.)

 18    FS to H.P. Elliott, 25 Oct. – is anxious to obtain name and address list of Colonial Office probationers; is anxious to invite them to take up membership of the RAI (tpc.)

 19    J.A. Rose for R.B. Manikam, National Christian Council, to FS, 4 Nov. – refers to her letter of 25 Oct. [not held]; there are 3000 to 4000 missionaries in India; it will be expensive to get in touch with them; refers her to the Directory of Christian Missions and Churches in India; suggests she approaches Missionary Societies to distribute the brochures (tp.)

 20    Alan A. Brash, Secretary, National Missionary Council of N.Z., to FS, 9 Nov. – refers to her letter [not held]; is writing to Missionary Boards which belong to the New Zealand Missionary Council asking for detailed addresses of missionaries; will send a full list as soon as possible (tp.)

 21    Hubert Hudson to WBF, 25 Nov. 1948 – makes some suggestions for increasing membership; on the use by the RAI of the term ‘Fellow’; on the fees payable by members; on Man; list of members should show the subjects each is interested in (tp. with autogr. additions)

 22    FS to […?], 8 Dec. – invites help in the effort the RAI is about to make to reach people to whom it could be of use; since its foundation the RAI has paid attention to the problems of British territories; its scope is world-wide; on the progress of anthropological knowledge by missionaries; is anxious to bring to the knowledge of those whose careers lie among colonial peoples a knowledge of the RAI; is preparing for circulation a statement of activities and services; asks for list of missionary workers (tpc.)

 23    Ibid. to Secretaries of Christian Councils, nd – ibid. (tp. draft with autogr. additions by FS and WBF)

 24    Rev. W. Scott Dickson, Christian Council of Kenya, to FS, 15 Dec. – asks for forty copies of the brochure which he will distribute (tp.)

 25    Rodolfo Anders, Gen. Secretary, Confederação Evangélica do Brasil, to FS, 23 Dec. – refers to her letter; Brazilians are not a colonial people; if she is interested in the study of anthropology in free countries he will be glad to cooperate (tp.)

  2/    1949

  1    [1949?] – list of names, suggested recipients of a letter to be prepared by the President, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Secretary (tp.)

  2    FS to Rodolfo Anders, 31 Jan. 1949 – fears her letter was couched too narrowly; anthropology includes the study of all peoples in all stages of culture (tpc.)

  3    Daryll Forde, Apr. – circular letter to invite participation in the work of the RAI; a statement of the work of the RAI and the services it provides is appended (printed)

  4    Ibid., ibid. – ibid.; on the RAI; on its international role; on its library; on the periodical collection; on publications; on subscriptions. 4 leaves (tp. draft)

  5    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (another version). 4 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)

  6    Ibid. to FS, 13 Apr. 1949 – sends the signed letters; on Sir William Collins; on presiding on 3 May (autogr.)

  7    Lord Rennell to Prof. Forde, 20 Apr. – refers to his circular letter; thinks the RAI is spending too much money on administration; suggests amalgamation or sharing premises; he would put pressure on societies to pursue this policy as the price of financial support from government sources (tp.)

 .1    Daryll Forde to WBF, nd – note on Lord Rennell’s letter (autogr. with autogr. reply by WBF)

  8    Alfred C. Bossom to Daryll Forde, 25 Apr. – realises the appeal is necessary but cannot add to his commitments (tp.)

  9    Daryll Forde to Sir Thomas Barlow[?], nd [note added: ‘Not sent – on Mrs Seligman’s advice 26/4/49’] – circular letter; invites his interest and financial support with regard to the future of the RAI; the present situation is one of great promise if the RAI can obtain the necessary help; it has been engaged with problems of reorganisation following the war; gives some history of the RAI; on the library; on its collections of photographs, lantern slides and manuscripts, all of which need cataloguing; the RAI has only been able to operate at a loss; the following paragraphs summarise the position with regard to current and future expenditure; lists annual costs and estimated future annual costs; Council proposes to make an appeal for £5,000 for the reorganisation of the Library; on the exhibition to be held in connection with Colonial month. 6 pages (tp. with autogr. note)

 10    Ibid. 6 leaves (tp. draft)

 11    Dennis M. Cohen to ibid., 4 May – refers to letter of 12 Apr. regarding an appeal to raise funds; sends donation of £50; encloses voucher on the National Council of Social Service; on the exhibition of primitive art to be held in June; has a mask which he could lend (tp.)

 12    Voucher from the National Council of Social Service (printed and tp.)

 13    Daryll Forde to Dennis M. Cohen, 5 May – thanks him for his generous reply; on his mask (tpc. with note to WBF)

 14    F. Brodie Lodge to Daryll Forde, 7 May 1949 – thanks him report on the financial needs of the RAI; wishes he could respond to all the urgent appeals which he receives; but he is not a rich man (tp.)

 15    Daryll Forde to F. Brodie Lodge, 9 May – understands that there are many calls on his generosity; felt he would not mind him writing as Mrs Seligman suggested he might be interested in the RAI’s work (tpc.)

 16    Vertue, Lubbock & Co. to Messrs. Coutts & Co., 11 May – on the securities held in the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund (tp.)

 17    Dorothy[?] Samuels to Prof. Forde, 12 May – sends the enclosed towards the fund (autogr.)

 18    Daryll Forde to Mrs Samuels, 16 May – thanks her for her generous reply to the letter of appeal (tpc.)

 19    Constance Cummings to Prof. Forde, 17 May – encloses check in response to the appeal (autogr.)

 20    FS to D.H.F. Wilson, Hon. Treasurer 1944-56, ibid. – encloses cheques for signature; encloses annual statement of wages and salaries for signature; on £150 for Mr Allison; on selling National Savings Certificates to raise this sum (tp. with autogr. note by D.H.F. Wilson)

 21    Hon. Treasurer to Messrs. Coutts & Co., ibid. – on the sale of some National Saving Certificates (tp. with autogr. addition by D.H.F. Wilson)

 22    FS to Prof. Forde, 19 May – encloses letter from Miss Cummings; encloses two more appeal letters for signature; suggests he sends them to Mr H. J. Newlin and R.B. Dennis; gives some details of each (TPC.)

 23    Ibid. to Ivan Horniman, 20 May – sends progress report on the Horniman Holdings (tp. with autogr. note)

 24    Daryll Forde to WBF, ibid. – on the first appeal letter; no further replies seem to be coming in, so he proposes sending the attached reminder; on printing the appeal for wider distribution; includes reminder about the appeal (tp. with autogr. note by WBF)

 25    Ibid. to Miss Cummings, 23 May – thanks her for generous response to the RAI appeal; was not seeking donations immediately but rather expressions of willingness to respond (tpc.)

 26    Ibid. to Lord Rennell of Rodd, 24 May 1949 – is sorry for delay in answering his letter of 20 Apr.; on amalgamation with other societies; even while housing the Folk-Lore Society and the Historical Association, the revenue is inadequate for rentals in London; on a movement for a Science Centre; the position will be much more difficult after 1951 when the current lease expires; on expenditure on administration; the appeal is being made in order to be able to expand services. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 27    FS to H.J. Newlin, 26 May – the enclosed letter from the President speaks for itself; when he joined the RAI he expressed an interest in its work; he will soon receive the Report and Accounts for last year; he will see that the RAI has made progress; finance is more satisfactory than it has been; on asking friends for support (tpc.)

 28    Ibid. to R.B. Dennis, ibid. – the enclosed letter from the President speaks for itself; in the past he has been very generous to the RAI; Accounts for 1948 show a much more hopeful position than for a long time; on appealing for funds (tpc.)

 29    Lord Rennell to Prof. Forde, 1 June – is sure that the solution for the scientific societies is a centre; does not seem to present an early solution (tp.)

 30    Ivan Horniman to D.H.F. Wilson, 4 June – has received brokers’ letter of 11 May about the Horniman investments; on loss of income due to nationalisation of the Gas industry; on the Welwyn Garden City holding; the investments seem satisfactory (tp.)

 31    H.H. Coghlan to Prof. Forde, 11 June – feels there is little hope of obtaining the desired amount through an appeal to Council members and a few others; suggests a general appeal to all Fellows; shall be pleased to subscribe £10; a well-worded appeal may obtain £5 each from 750 Fellows (tp.)

 32    Arthur Keith to Prof. Forde, 13 June – sends £25 to the appeal (autogr.)

 33    H.J. Newlin to FS, 14 June – gives an account of himself; on his business; on his daily routine; on his overwork; someday the RAI will benefit by his hard work. 2 leaves (tp.)

 34    FS to J.P. Mills, ibid. – on talking to him about his subscription and covenanting (tpc.)

 35    Ibid. to H.J. Newlin, 16 June – was glad to have an account of what has been happening; hopes he will come to the RAI; thanks him for the gift he has made (tpc.)

 36    Prof. Forde to Sir Arthur Keith, 20 June 1949 – refers to his generous gift; Council wishes him to express thanks (tpc.)

 37    B.L. Cranstone to D.H.F. Wilson, 27 June – in response to the President’s appeal, encloses cheque for two guineas (autogr.)

 38    E.E. Evans-Pritchard, RAI President 1949-51, to WBF, ibid. – sends money for the appeal (autogr.)

 39    FS to Prof. Evans-Pritchard, 1 July – thanks him for the cheque for £10; refers to his letter of 30 June [not held]; on Miss Butt; on Fellows in Denmark; on Dr Kjersmeier; on Prof. Ralph Linton giving a paper (tpc.)

 40    Ibid. to B. Cranstone, 2 July – acknowledges his cheque and expresses the Treasurer’s gratitude (tpc.)

 41    J.H. Hutton to Prof. Forde, 16 July – asks that his name be included in list of subscribers; encloses cheque for 10 guineas (autogr.)

 42    FS to Prof. Hutton, 23 July – thanks him for cheque (tpc.)

 43    R.B. Dennis to Prof. Forde, 3 Aug. – all the points in his letter of 26 May appeal to him strongly; regrets that he cannot send more than £50 (autogr.)

 44    Ibid. to FS, ibid. – glad that she included him as a recipient of the President’s letter, to which he encloses his reply; on his work in Rangoon; on his health (autogr.)

 45    FS to R.B. Dennis, 19 Aug. – thanks him for letter; refers to how much he had already done for the RAI; the President will write soon; on his collecting; on his health (tpc.)

 46    Ibid. to Mrs B. Seligman, 23 Sept. – on her Deed of Covenant; on her continued goodness to the RAI; refers to most generous gift; is sure she will hear from the President soon (tpc.)

 47    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to the Right Hon. A. Creech Jones, 11 Oct. – asks if he will receive a ‘deputation’ from the RAI; would like to discuss the position of the RAI as the central body whose existence is prerequisite to activities which qualify for grants from the Government; would like to talk over the possibility of help from the Colonial Office before it is too late (tpc.)

 48    FS to Messrs. Bircham & Co., 27 Oct. 1949 – returns Mrs Seligman’s Deed (tpc.)

 49    Ibid. to Mrs B. Seligman, 2 Dec. – refers to her letter of 28 Nov. [not held]; assures her that the ‘appeal’ question is not being neglected (tpc.)

 50    Christopher Eastwood, Colonial Office, to E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 14 Dec. – the Secretary of State has spoken to the Chancellor about the possibility of assistance to the RAI; Exchequer grants are not made directly but through some central body such as the Royal Society or the British Academy; on the Royal Society awarding the RAI a grant; quotes from a letter from the Treasury; is sorry that his answer is disappointing (tp.)

 51    nd – list of subscriptions [to appeal, 1949?] (tp.)

  3/    1950-51

  1    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to Fellows, Mar. 1950 – circular letter appealing for funds (printed)

  2    List of donations to President’s appeal, Mar. 1950 (tp.)

  3    John H. Evans to WBF, 15 Mar. – understood that he had already covenanted; suggests it is a waste of time and money sending the papers about covenants (tp.)

  4    E.A. Shattock to FS, ibid. – cannot afford to give another covenanted subscription; on a copy of Man; on Mr Burkitt giving a lecture (autogr.)

  5    R.S. Newall to [WBF], 16 Mar. – on his covenant form (autogr.)

  6    Ibid., ibid. - banker’s order (printed and autogr.)

  7    Ibid., ibid. – covenant form (printed and autogr.)

  8    Mrs M.M. Banks to [WBF], 16 Mar. – the appeal appeals to her; however she cannot pledge further help (autogr.)

  9    Alex Low to E.E. Evans-Pritchard, ibid. – encloses deed of covenant for £1 (autogr.)

 10    FS to J.H. Evans, 17 Mar. 1950 – fears that he has not thoroughly read the papers accompanying the President’s appeal; explains that the appeal is for donations over and above ordinary subscription; the covenant he has signed for his annual dues is not concerned (tpc.)

 11    H.G. Howard, Lloyds Bank Ltd., to WBF, ibid. – on a covenant for two guineas from Mrs S.H. Leith-Ross (tp.)

 12    FS to Dr L.W. Davies, ibid. – thanks him for covenanted donation; on an omission in the Deed; returns the Deed for completion (tpc.)

 13    A.I. Richards to WBF, 20 Mar. – cannot give deed of covenant as she does not pay income tax in England; sends donation (tp.)

 14    D.E. Budgett-Meakin to E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 21 Mar. – is unable to respond to the appeal; felt that in making a life membership contribution was doing the best he could (tp.)

 15    FS to Prof. A. Low, ibid. – thanks him for his gift (tpc.)

 16    Ibid. to the Manager, Lloyds Bank Ltd., ibid. – acknowledges letter about deed of covenant signed by Mrs Leith-Ross (tpc.)

 17    Ibid. to Mrs S.H. Leith-Ross, ibid. – thanks her for covenanted donation of two guineas (tpc.)

 18    Ibid. to R.S. Newall, ibid. – thanks him for covenanted gift of £1 a year; on the covenant form; the additional gift is separate from the covenant for the annual subscription; asks him to sign the enclosed deed and return it to her (tp. with autogr. note by R.S. Newall)

 19    Ibid. to Prof. D. Garrod, ibid. – thanks her for covenanted gift of £1 a year (tpc.)

 20    Ibid. to the Manager, Lloyds Bank Ltd., ibid. – encloses Banker’s Order from Prof. Garrod referring to covenanted sum (tpc.)

 21    Ibid. to the Manager, National Bank of New Zealand, ibid. – encloses Banker’s Order from Miss de Beer referring to covenanted sum (tpc.)

 22    Ibid. to Miss D.H. de Beer, ibid. – has received her covenant and banker’s order; is dealing with both; thanks her (tpc.)

 23    Ibid. to Lt. Col. E. Clayton, 21 Mar. 1950 – thanks him for his covenanted donation (tpc.)

 24    Note on Covenanted Donations (printed with autogr. note by FS)

 25    Lloyds Bank Ltd., 23 Mar. – acknowledgment of letter from FS regarding Prof. Garrod (printed and tp.)

 26    FS to L.W. Davies, ibid. – thanks him for covenanted gift (tpc.)

 27    E.J. Lindgren to FS, ibid. – has filled in the enclosed; wishes she could have done so more generously; mentions Kon Tiki raft (autogr. pc)

 28    National Bank of New Zealand, ibid. – acknowledgment of letter from FS regarding Miss de Beer (printed, tp. and autogr.)

 29    F.W. Schmidt to E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 24 Mar. – on the appeal for covenanted gifts; on the question of paying United Kingdom income tax (autogr.)

 30    FS to Dr A.I. Richards, ibid. – thanks her for the gift of £5; on a seven year covenant for her subscription; as she is out of the country it should be regarded as lapsed (tpc.)

 31    Ibid. to Dr Lucy Mair, 27 Mar. – thanks her for gift of £5 a year for 7 years (tpc.)

 32    Ibid. to Rev. Prof. F.W. Schmidt, 28 Mar. – acknowledges his letter to Prof. Evans-Pritchard; it is kind of him to wish to help; the method of giving via a deed of covenant is cumbersome for those who do not pay income tax in England; suggests he might make a simple gift (tpc.)

 33    Ibid. to R.S. Newall, ibid. – thanks him for signing and returning the covenant (tpc.)

 34    Ibid. to Dr E.J. Lindgren, ibid. – thanks her for covenant; mentions the Kon Tiki (tpc.)

 35    Ibid. to Miss W. Lamb, ibid. – thanks her for Banker’s Order; assumes the gift is being made under deed of covenant; asks her to sign the covenant; asks about the branch of the bank (tpc.)

 36    Frederick R. Wulsin to E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 30 Mar. – sends a cheque for $20, in lieu of a covenanted gift; the latter has no advantages when the donor pays tax in the United States (tp.)

 37    Alf Sommerfelt to ibid., 30 Mar. 1950. – sends a cheque for £1 (autogr.)

 38    FS to Edward Lawrence, 31 Mar. – thanks him for cheque; will pass his letter [not held] to the Editor of Man; on her mother (tpc.)

 39    Winifred Lamb to FS, 1 Apr. – gives her bank’s address; does not propose to sign a deed of covenant; does not like them (autogr.)

 40    Jean C. Buxton to [E.E. Evans-Pritchard], 2 Apr. – refers to his appeal; encloses her contribution; would prefer to send something each year rather than sign a covenant (autogr.)

 41    FS to Miss Winifred Lamb, 4 Apr. – appreciates that she is giving £1 a year without covenanting (tpc.)

 42    Ibid. to Prof. A. Sommerfelt, ibid. – thanks him for the cheque; shall be pleased to see him when he comes to England (tpc.)

 43    H.W. Turner to WBF, ibid. – encloses cheque on behalf of Mr I.M. Sieff for £7.10.0 with covenant (tp.)

 44    FS to Mrs J.C. Buxton, 5 Apr. – thanks her for generous gift to RAI; hopes she may be able to repeat it as she says she intends to do (tpc.)

 45    F.W. Hodge to E.E. Evans-Pritchard, ibid. – encloses cheque for 10 dollars; hopes to send more later (autogr.)

 46    H.E. Wadsworth to WBF, nd – encloses covenant for £1; on his address (tpc.)

 47    FS to H.E. Wadsworth, 6 Apr. – thanks him for gift of £1 a year; on his address (tpc.)

47a    Ibid. to Dr A.N. Tucker, ibid. – thanks him for covenant for two guineas (tpc.)

 48    Ibid. to I.M. Sieff, ibid. – thanks him for gift of £27. 10/- a year (tpc.)

 49    Ibid. to H.W. Turner, ibid. – thanks him for cheque from Mr Sieff for £27. 10/- with the covenant (tpc.)

 50    Mrs P. Crickx[sic] to [D.H.F. Wilson], 11 Apr. – sends cheque of behalf of Dr Pedro Bosch-Gimpera (tp.)

 51    Banker’s Order from Dr Pedro Bosch-Gimpera (printed and autogr.)

 52    C.V. Hough, Accountant, Williams Deacon’s Bank Ltd., to FS, 11 Apr. 1950 – thanks her for letter enclosing Banker’s Order signed by Mr H.E. Wadsworth; on a previous deed of covenant which expires on 1 Jan. 1955; asks if new payment is also to cease after that date (tp.)

 53    FS to Mrs P. Cricks, 12 Apr. – thanks her for the cheque sent on behalf of Dr Bosch-Gimpera (tpc.)

 54    Ibid. to Dr Pedro Bosch-Gimpera, ibid. – thanks him for gift of one guinea (tpc.)

 55    H.W. Turner to FS, ibid. – refers to her letter of 6 Apr.; on stamp duty on covenant signed by Mr Sieff (tp.)

 56    FS to Accountant, Williams Deacon’s Bank Ltd., 14 Apr. – outlines the dates of Mr Wadsworth’s two Deeds of Covenant (tpc.)

 57    Ibid. to H.W. Turner, ibid. – on the stamp duty on Mr Sieff’s covenant (tpc.)

 58    Ibid. to Frederick R. Wulsin, 15 Apr. – thanks him for his gift of $20 (tpc.)

 59    J. Gullick to WBF, 17 Apr. – encloses a banker’s order; no point in giving a covenant as he pays Malayan income tax (autogr.)

 60    Bank of Ireland to the Secretary, Folk-Lore Society, 20 Apr. – acknowledgment card (printed and tp. pc)

 61    FS to Prof. E.O. James, 21 Apr. – thanks him for gift of one guinea (tpc.)

 62    Ibid. to Prof. Evans-Pritchard, ibid. – encloses letter from F.W. Hodge; has acknowledged his gift; if it is a matter of a personal letter perhaps he would cope (tpc.)

 63    Ibid. to Dr F.W. Hodge, ibid. – thanks him for gift of $10 (tpc.)

 64    E.A. Hooton to D.H.F. Wilson, 23 Apr. – encloses draft for $25 (tp.)

 65    FS to F.W. Migeod, 25 Apr. – thanks him for covenanted gift of £1 (tpc.)

 66    Paul Stirling to D.H.F. Wilson, 1 May – as he does not pay full rate of income tax a covenant is out of the question; sends a cheque (autogr.)

 67    FS to Dr E.A. Hooton, 11 May 1950 – thanks him for gift of $25 (tpc.)

 68    Ibid. to Paul Stirling, ibid. – thanks him for gift of three guineas (tpc.)

 69    Ibid. to D.R. Hay-Neave, 15 May – thanks him for gift of £2 covenanted for 7 years (tpc.)

 70    Ibid. to the Manager, Grindlay’s Bank Ltd., 16 May – encloses banker’s order signed by Mr D.R. Hay-Neave (tpc.)

 71    Ibid. to J. Gullick, 19 May – thanks him his gift; understands that a covenant would not be applicable in his case (tpc.)

 72    Ibid. to the Manager, Westminster Bank Ltd., 20 May – encloses Banker’s Order signed by J. Gullick (tpc.)

 73    H.J. Braunholtz to FS, nd – on Curl Bequest meeting; on meeting of Powell-Cotton museum governors; is subscribing £1 annually in response to the President’s appeal (autogr.)

 74    FS to H.J. Braunholtz, 26 May – thanks him for his covenanted donation (tpc.)

 75    Ibid. to the Manager, Barclays Bank Ltd., ibid. – encloses banker’s order signed by Mr Braunholtz (tpc.)

 76    Ibid. to Rev. Hugh Miller, 8 June – thanks him for gift of £2 covenanted for 7 years; acknowledges cheque (tpc.)

 77    Ibid. to Prof. M. Wilson, 8 Nov. – thanks him for cheque for one guinea (tpc.)

 78    G.W. Gotto, Smith’s Charity, to J.P. Mills, RAI President 1951-53, 28 June 1951 – refers to his letter of 26 June [not held]; trustees cannot make a donation (tp.)

 79    Angela C. Bowe to J.P. Mills, 2 July – FS has asked her to forward the enclosed letter (tp. with autogr. note by J.P. Mills)

 80    J.P. Mills, nd – note on Smith’s Charity (autogr.)

 81    Israel M. Sieff to Sir Donald Banks, 23 Nov. – thanks him for letter of 14 Nov. [not held] enclosing contribution of 50 guineas to the funds of the RAI; support from a company such as his is encouraging (tpc.)

 82    Ibid. to J.P. Van den Bergh, 23 Nov. 1951 - thanks him for letter of 21 Nov. [not held] informing him of contribution of 100 guineas to the funds of the RAI; support from an organisation such as his is encouraging; asks him to express thanks to colleagues on the Board of the United Africa Company (tpc.)

 83    Ibid. to A.R. Mellor, Director & Secretary, United Africa Co. Ltd., 4 Dec. – thanks him for letter of 28 Nov. [not held] enclosing cheque for £105 intimated by Mr Van den Bergh; conveys his appreciation of the support (tpc.)

 84    J.P. Mills, to Alan Sainsbury, 7 Dec. – refers to generous gift of £100 made by Messrs. J. Sainsbury to RAI; thanks him most gladly (tpc.)

  4/    1954

  1    S. Davis, Marks and Spencer Ltd., to RAI, 15 Apr. 1954 – encloses cheque for £400 due under Deed of Covenant (tp.)

  2    D.H.F. Wilson to G. Kenneth Horner, 2 July – has received from Mr Sieff’s secretary a cheque for £26.5s as a contribution from his company; expresses thanks of Council (tpc. with tp. note to Messrs. Turnbull, Wilson & Co. from D.H.F. Wilson, and autogr. note)

  3    Ibid. to T. Peter Naylor, ibid. - has received from Mr Sieff’s secretary a cheque for £20 as a contribution from his company; expresses thanks of Council (tpc. with tp. note to Messrs. Turnbull, Wilson & Co. from D.H.F. Wilson)

  4    Israel M. Sieff to Maurice L. Wells, ibid. – refers to his letter of 30 June [not held] enclosing his company’s cheque for £200; knows how much the RAI people will appreciate it; he will be getting an official receipt (tpc.)

  5    D.H.F. Wilson to I.M. Sieff, 5 July – has received copy of his letter to Mr Maurice L. Wells, together with cheque; is writing to Mr Wells to thank him (tpc.)

  6    Israel M. Sieff to Capt. M.H. Scott, ibid. – thanks him for letter of 2 July [not held] enclosing his company’s cheque for 50 guineas; he will be getting an official receipt; shall keep him advised of progress (tpc.)

  7    Ibid. to Sir Mark Turner, Robert Benson Lonsdale & Co. Ltd., 5 July 1954 – thanks him for letter of 2 July [not held] advising him that through the National Council of Social Service his company is making a contribution to the RAI of £50 (tpc.)

  8    Douglas H.F. Wilson to Maurice L. Wells, 6 July – has received from Mr Israel M. Sieff a cheque for £200 as a contribution from his company to the RAI; expresses thanks of Council (tpc. with tp. note to Messrs. Turnbull, Wilson & Co. from D.H.F. Wilson)

  9    Ibid. to Capt. M.H. Scott, ibid. - has received from Mr Israel M. Sieff a cheque for 50 guineas as a contribution to the RAI; expresses thanks of Council (tpc.)

 10    Ibid. to L.J. Bussey, Wilson Turnbull & Co., ibid. – encloses cheque for 50 guineas to be endorsed; proceeds to be credited to the RAI’s Capital Account – Development Appeal Fund; asks him to make out official receipts (tpc.)

 11    Ibid. to Israel M. Sieff, ibid. – thanks him for sending copies of letters to Capt. Scott and Sir Mark Turner; on Whitbread’s cheque and Sir Mark Turner’s contribution; is writing to Capt. Scott; appreciates all the kind work he is doing on behalf of the RAI (tpc.)

 12    Ibid. to Capt. M.H. Scott, ibid. – has received from Mr Sieff his company’s cheque; extends the thanks of the Council (tpc.)

 13    Israel M. Sieff to Sir H. Stanford Cooper, 9 July – refers to his letter of 8 July [not held] advising that his company cannot support the work of the RAI; thanks him for his personal contribution of 5 guineas; he will be getting an official receipt (tpc.)

 14    Ibid. to M.F. Coop, ibid. – refers to his letter of 8 July [not held] enclosing his company’s cheque for £250; he will be getting an official receipt; his support is appreciated (tpc.)

 15    Ibid. to J.B. Collett, ibid. – Mr Coop has sent cheque for £250; has asked him to convey appreciation to the Board; would like to express thanks to him personally (tpc.)

 16    14 July - voucher from the National Council of Social Service, enclosing cheque for £50 from Messrs. Robert Benson, Lonsdale & Co. Ltd. (printed and tp.)

 17    WBF to Sir Mark Turner, 16 July 1954 – has received a cheque for £50 through the National Council of Social Service; expresses thanks of Council (tp.)

 18    Douglas H.F. Wilson to Sir H. Stanford Cooper, 12 July – Mr Israel Sieff has sent his cheque for 5 guineas; expresses thanks of Council (tpc.)

 19    Ibid. to M.F. Coop, ibid. - Mr Israel Sieff has sent his Company’s cheque for £250; expresses thanks of Council (tpc.)

 20    Douglas H.F. Wilson to Israel M. Sieff, ibid. – acknowledges receipt of copies of his letters to Mr J.B. Collett, Mr M.F. Coop and Sir H. Stanford Cooper; has withdrawn the cheques as contributions to RAI funds; is acknowledging the contributions direct; the amounts are being credited to the RAI’s Development Appeal Fund (tpc.)

  5/    1955-56

  1    P. Bosch-Gimpera, Secretary, Union Internationale des Sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques, 1 June 1955 – circular letter to members; UNESCO, through the intermediary of the International Council of Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (CIPSH), has granted subsidies to member organisations; requests for aid should be forwarded to the CIPSH before 1 July; asks that details of applications be sent as soon as possible; on an assembly to be celebrated at an international conference in Philadelphia (tp.)

  2    WBF to Prof. Bosch-Gimpera, 24 June – his letter was placed before Council; it was resolved to make an application to CIPSH for a grant to prepare and publish a classified index to the Journal; on the Journal; an index was published in 1895 but since then no index has appeared; on the reorganisation of the library since the war; an index would be of the utmost value to other libraries and to scholars. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  3    P. Bosch-Gimpera to WBF, 26 Aug. – his letter arrived too late to submit his proposal to the CIPSH; he is afraid they will say that they do not ‘subvention’ periodicals; will let him know (tp.)

  4    D.H.F. Wilson to Coutts & Co., 28 Feb. 1956 – encloses Order received from Sir Maurice Bloch for £100; asks them to forward this for collection (tpc.)

  5    Coutts & Co. to D.H.F. Wilson, 29 Feb. – refer to his letter; return the order to be remitted direct to the National Bank of Scotland (tp.)

  6    D.H.F. Wilson to the National Bank of Scotland, 1 Mar. 1956 – encloses the order for £100 from Sir Maurice Bloch (tpc.)

  7    National Bank of Scotland to D.H.F. Wilson, 5 Mar. – refer to his letter; enclose cheque for £100 (tp.)

  8    D.H.F. Wilson to Messrs. Coutts & Co., 9 Mar. – sends cheque for £100 to be paid into RAI’s current account (tpc.)

  9    Ibid. to Sir Maurice Bloch, ibid. – made known to Council his gift of £100; they are extremely grateful (tpc.)

 10    Coutts & Co., 10 Mar. – acknowledgment of remittance of £100 (printed and autogr. lettercard)

 11    MWS to WBF, 27 Mar. – on the Bollinger Foundation, who might be willing to give money for the Burton Library; Mrs Seligman proposes to give a dinner including Sir Herbert Read, who has ‘pull’ with Bollinger; asks him to ring Mrs Seligman (autogr.)

 12    B. Payne to Israel M. Sieff, 25 July – encloses cheque for 50 guineas (tp.)

 13    Israel M. Sieff to B.E. Payne, 26 July – thanks him for cheque for 50 guineas as his company’s contribution towards the work of the RAI; he will be getting an official receipt (tpc.)

 14    MWS to B.E. Payne, 28 July – Mr Sieff has forwarded his letter with generous gift of 50 guineas; thanks him for his support; on a possible symposium on human problems in industry some time next year; will keep him informed (tpc.)

 15    Ibid. to WBF, 4 Oct. – encloses proof of ‘Primitive Art’; had a talk with Sutton of the Forde Foundation; he was not discouraging; also saw Fejos who practically promised something; mentions Bollinger (autogr.)

 16    Ibid. to Janet Anderson, Secretary to the Officers, 8 Oct. – hopes all is well at the RAI; on seeing the Ford Foundation people; was encouraged to put a request before them; asks for a number of items to help her put together an application (autogr.)

 17    Ibid. to the Ford Foundation, Oct. – submits application for grant in aid of the RAI; should be happy to furnish further details (tpc.)

 18    Francis X. Sutton, Ford Foundation, to MWS, 26 Nov. 1956 – she should soon get a letter saying that the Foundation cannot support the proposal she submitted; they are very often unable to respond favourably to applicants; regrets that he cannot give her happier news (tp.)

 19    Joseph M. McDaniel Jr., Ford Foundation, to ibid., 28 Nov. – sorry to inform her that the foundation cannot support the proposal she made; the Foundation must limit its activities to maintain a coherent program; regrets that the reply cannot be favourable (tp.)

 20    MWS to Dr Francis X. Sutton, 3 Dec. – regretted the news received in his letter; appreciates the personal word from him; plans for conferences will have to be abandoned (tpc.)

 21    Ibid. to Joseph M. McDaniel, 7 Dec. – quite understands that the Ford Foundation cannot support all the requests tendered to it; but she is disappointed; on the need for better liaison between American and European anthropologists; on conferences; thanks him (tpc.)

 22    Francis X. Sutton to MWS, 17 Dec. – does not think he can ease her disappointment with any honest encouragement for the future; will not forget about the needs she has represented (tp.)

 23    Israel M. Sieff to Lord Raglan, 18 Dec. – refers to his letter of 15 Dec. [not held]; is prepared to join Mrs Seligman; will find £5,000 if the other £40,000 can be raised; is sorry that he has been unable to devote more time to the work of the RAI but his time is taken up by events in Israel (tp.)

  6/    1957

  1    Lord Raglan, RAI President 1955-57, Feb. 1957 – circular letter on the RAI, its activities, its publications, and its need for an adequate endowment; a Fellow has offered a donation of £5,000 if a further £45,000 can be raised; asks for help in raising this sum. 2 leaves (tp.)

  2    Ibid. (tp. draft)

  3    W.A. Sanderson, the Nuffield Foundation, to Lord Raglan, 5 Feb. – asks for a progress report on the work of the Nuffield Blood Group Centre which the Foundation is supporting (tp.)

  4    Dr A.E. Mourant to W.A. Sanderson, 9 Feb. – Lord Raglan has asked him to reply to his letter; encloses a report (tpc.)

  5    Nuffield Blood Group Centre, Report for the Year 1956 (tpc.) [enclosed with previous item]

 .1    Compliments slip from Dr Mourant (printed)

  6    R.T. Jenkins, Secretary of Appeals Committee, Courtaulds, Ltd., to Lord Raglan, 12 Feb. – acknowledges the appeal of behalf of the RAI which he addressed to Mr Peter Courtauld; the amount allocated to cover donations within the financial year is now exhausted; will deal with the matter after approval of the next budget in Apr.; the needs of the RAI were considered last July when the Committee decided they could not undertake to authorise a contribution (tp.)

  7    Sebastian Earl to ibid., 13 Feb. – approached his colleagues on the Board of Selfridges with regard to subscribing to the RAI; was unable to persuade them to do so; feels he should not allow his name to go forward for election to Fellowship (tp.)

  8    F.C. Bagnall to ibid., 14 Feb. – has discussed his appeal with colleagues; it is outside the scope of the company’s activities; does not have any special local significance; does not feel justified in supporting the appeal with shareholders’ money (tp.)

  9    Alexander Ingleby-Mackenzie, Arthur Guinness Son & Co., to ibid., ibid. – shall be discussing his letter with managing director and colleagues (tp.)

 10    E.M. Price Holmes, Secretary, Beecham Group Ltd., to ibid., 15 Feb. – refers to his letter appealing for funds; a company such as his receives many appeals; they can only accede to a small proportion; regrets that they do not feel able to help on this occasion (tp.)

 11    Colin Anderson to ibid., ibid. – cannot include the RAI among his enthusiasms (tp.)

 12    F.A. Cockfield, Finance Director, Boots Pure Drug Co. Ltd., to ibid., 18 Feb. – appreciates the work the RAI is doing; cannot see a way to make a donation; receives many appeals; the company makes donations where there is a direct connection with their activities, or a particularly close association (tp.)

 13    Miss J. Watkins, Secretary to Mr A.J. Nicholas, South Wales Switchgear Ltd., to ibid., ibid. – Mr Nicholas will deal with the matter when he returns (tp.)

 14    A.I. Baker, Baker Perkins Ltd., to ibid., 21 Feb. – is not willing for his name to go forward for Fellowship; nor can he subscribe to funds (tp.)

 15    Alexander Ingleby-Mackenzie to ibid., 26 Feb. 1957 – the question of a contribution from the company to the endowment fund of the RAI has been discussed; the Board of Directors feels unable to respond to his request; feels it would be inappropriate for his name to go forward for election to Fellowship (tp.)

 16    K.E. Lloyd, the Carpet Manufacturing Company Ltd., to ibid., 27 Feb. – his letter was brought before the Board of Directors; they could not see their way to be helpful; it is difficult to support all the requests which are brought before them (tp.)

 17    J.M. Liddle[?], Cunard Steam-Ship Company Ltd., to ibid. 1 Mar. – refers to reception at Mr Sieff’s residence, after which he sent a full report to his Principals; they regret that they could not see their way to add to the existing financial commitments which they have (tp.)

 18    Jack [Griffiths] to ibid., 15 Mar. – his Board have asked him to send a donation of 5 guineas (tp.)

 19    Lord Raglan to Janet Anderson, 16 Mar. – thinks a receipt for the enclosed, with letter of acknowledgment, should come from the Hon. Treasurer (tp. with autogr. note from Janet Anderson to MWS)

 20    Janet Anderson to Sir George Beresford-Stooke, Hon. Treasurer 1956-62, 20 Mar. – has typed a letter of thanks for his signature (tp.)

 21    Sir George Beresford-Stooke to Lt. Col. J.D. Griffiths, 25 Mar. – RAI is most grateful for his support; asks him to pass to his Company their thanks (tpc.)

 22    R.T. Jenkins to Lord Raglan, 1 Apr. – the needs of the RAI have been considered by the Appeals Committee; with regret they could not undertake to authorise any support (tp.)

 23    E.A. Alport to MWS, nd – encloses cheque for £50 as contribution to the Endowment Fund (autogr. card)

 24    MWS to Dr E.A. Alport, 11 June – is grateful for his contribution; RAI is sending out a special appeal this month; is touched that he read the annual report and acted at once (tpc.)

 25    P.A. Coates to the Hon. Treasurer, 16 June – encloses cheque for £50 (autogr.)

 26    MWS to P.A. Coates, 19 June – is grateful for his contribution; is touched that he read the annual report and acted at once (tpc.)

 27    M.L. Tildesley to Sir George Beresford-Stooke, 29 July 1957 – encloses cheque for £10 as contribution to the Endowment Fund (autogr. with autogr. notes by Janet Anderson)

 28    Dr A.V. Kidder, nd – note regarding a donation of $25 (autogr.)

 29    MWS to Mrs B.Z. Seligman, 7 Aug. – on the 1957 Appeal to Fellows; on her own covenants for various things (tpc.)

 30    Ibid. to D.R. Hay-Neave, 9 Aug. – encloses an Appeal to Fellows which is going out to all members of the RAI; on a covenant he signed for the benefit of the Development Appeal Fund; wonders if he wishes to renew it for the new appeal; on a shortfall in his annual subscription (tpc.)

 31    Ibid. to R.S. Newall, ibid. – encloses an Appeal to Fellows which is going out to all members of the RAI; on a covenant he signed for the benefit of the Development Appeal Fund; on a shortfall in his annual subscription (tpc.)

 32    J.H. Hutton to MWS, 15 Aug. – refers to her note of 6 Aug. [not held]; on missing copies of the Journal; on the endowment fund; asks how much the back numbers of the Journal and Man are worth to the RAI (autogr.)

 33    R.S. Newall to MWS, 18 Aug. – on his covenant (autogr.)

 34    20 Aug. – Appeal to Fellows; on the financial problems of the RAI; Fellows can help by recruiting new members, and especially by raising an endowment fund; on helping the RAI by gifts of books (tp.)

 35    Mrs Beatrice McNish to MWS, 21 Aug. – encloses £2 for the Endowment Fund (autogr.)

 36    Louis C.G. Clarke to [MWS], 22 Aug. – encloses £30 for the Endowment Fund (autogr.)

 37    Herbert Livesey to MWS, 23 Aug. – on change of address; cannot afford to subscribe to the appeal (autogr. pc)

 38    Lt. Col. H.H. Green to Sir George Beresford-Stooke, nd – encloses £5 towards the Endowment Fund (autogr.)

 39    Kenneth Goldsmith to RAI, 24 Aug. – encloses £2 in response to the appeal (autogr.)

 40    Sir George Beresford-Stooke to Rev. H. Livesey, 26 Aug. – on his change of address; understands his position regarding the appeal for funds (tpc.)

 41    T. Sulimirski to [MWS], 30 Aug. 1957 – encloses £2 as contribution to the Endowment Fund; is sorry that he cannot send more (autogr.)

 42    Kenneth Goldsmith to Sir George Beresford-Stooke, 1 Sept. – thanks him for letter [not held]; will send another small donation next year (autogr.)

 43    MWS to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 4 Sept. – refers to his letter of 15 Aug.; on copies of the Journal missing from the run he sent; on the endowment fund; asks if he will review a paper by Louis Dumont (tpc.)

 44    R.S. Newall to [MWS?], 8 Sept. – on his covenant; asks what his annual subscription to the RAI and to Man should be (autogr.)

 45    nd – note referring to donation of £5 from Miss A. Powell-Cotton (autogr.)

 46    Pál Kelemen to RAI, 11 Sept. – as a Fellow he made his contribution in one sum for life; however realises the problems of the RAI; hence encloses cheque for $50 (tp.)

 47    Janet Anderson to Sir George Beresford-Stooke, 13 Sept. – encloses note about a donation of $100 from Mrs A.W.O. Field; on an acknowledgment (tp.)

 48    Note from Mrs A.W.O. Field, concerning donation (autogr.)

 49    J.H. Hutton to MWS, 13 Sept. – refers to her letter of 4 Sept.; is glad that the Journal and Man will fetch more than £40; on the review of Dumont’s book (autogr.)

 50    K.R. Robinson to [MWS], 14 Sept. – encloses cheque for subscription to Man; what is left over is to go in the endowment fund (tp. with autogr. note by Janet Anderson)

 51    Clare L. Fell to MWS, 17 Sept. – encloses donation for the endowment fund (autogr. with tp. note)

 52    Diana V. Owen, Membership Secretary, to R.S. Newall, ibid. – on his subscription; all he owes is 6/- for this year’s Man (tpc.)

 53    R.S. Newall to Diana V. Owen, 21 Sept. – on his subscription; on his covenant; sends cheque for £7 (autogr.)

 54    MWS to R.S. Newall, 25 Sept. 1957 – refers to him sending a cheque; RAI is grateful for the additional £1 which he has undertaken to give each year from 1958; support of this kind is most beneficial (tpc.)

 55    H. Breuil to the Council of the RAI, 5 Oct. – the problem is serious; it is impossible for individuals to solve such a problem without the support of Public Authorities; mentions UNESCO and the Gulbenkian Foundation as possible sources of support (autogr., in French)

 56    Ibid., ibid. – translation (autogr.)

 57    Adrian Mayer to MWS, 10 Oct. – encloses contribution to the Endowment Fund; hopes the campaign is going well (tp. copy)

 58    MWS to Abbé Breule[sic], 14 Oct. – refers to his letter of 5 Oct.; foundations give money for particular purposes, not for general endowment; has been in touch with the Gulbenkian Foundation (tpc.)

 59    Text of a telegram sent to [Bernard] Fagg, 18 Nov. – ‘Option granted you will 30th. Billy’ (tp.)

 60    [Mrs B.Z. Seligman] to M. Raton, 19 Nov. – has heard that he is interested in handling the sale of her Benin ivory mask; the minimum amount she would accept would be £20,000 net; the whole proceeds of the sale will go to the Endowment Fund of the RAI; the one reservation is if the Nigerian government wish to purchase the mask; if not, she could give him an option which would extend to 15 Jan. 1958; would like confirmation that he is willing to deal with the matter according to the proposal outlined (tpc.)

 61    Text of a telegram sent to [Bernard] Fagg, 29 Nov. – ‘Option extended until Council decision’ (tp.)

 62    Note referring to subscription and donation from J.S. Boston (printed, tp. and autogr.)

  7/    1958

  1    Adrian C. Mayer to MWS, 3 Jan. 1958 – encloses contribution towards the Endowment Fund (tp.)

  2    Janet Anderson to Adrian C. Mayer, 6 Jan. – thanks him for donation of £25 (tpc.)

  3    J.A. Fraser Roberts, RAI President 1957-59, to Israel M. Sieff, 16 Jan. 1958 – the Benin mask has been sold to the Museum of Primitive Art in New York for £22,000; the net amount will be about £20,000 which Mrs Seligman is going to hand over to the RAI’s Endowment Fund; on the target of £50,000; on meeting him (tp. copy)

  4    MWS to Dr R. Goldwater, Museum of Primitive Art, New York, ibid. – refers to Mrs Seligman donating the proceeds of the sale of the mask to the RAI; it is hoped that publicity will help in the Endowment Fund Drive; on a concerted approach to the matter of publicity between the RAI and the Museum (tpc.)

  5    [Mrs B.Z. Seligman] to ibid., ibid. – pleased that he has decided to purchase the mask through M. Ratton; has decided to part with it in order to start the endowment fund for the RAI; has handed the business part over to her solicitor; on publicity (tpc.)

  6    Bernard Fagg, Jos Museum, to Mrs B.Z. Seligman, 21 Jan. – on getting a price for the mask well in excess of the £20,000 he could have secured it for; congratulates her; thanks her for her generosity to the RAI; thanks her for allowing his option to remain open for so long (autogr.)

  7    MWS to J.W. Hillaby, 23 Jan. – asks if he would be willing to give advice in connection with publicity concerning the RAI’s proposed public appeal for an Endowment Fund; in addition to an appeal to Fellows, had considered approaching the general public and getting in touch with selected industrialists; would be grateful for his help; on meeting (tpc.)

  8    Ibid. to T.A. Margerison, the New Scientist, ibid. – on the inclusion of article on anthropology in the New Scientist; on the appeal for endowment; wonders if this could be coordinated with the articles (tpc.)

  9    John D. Hillaby to MWS, 24 Jan. – will help if he can; suggests meeting in Feb.; gives his first thoughts on the matter; is not sure what the Endowment Fund is for; it is difficult to raise money from the public for unspecific objects; mentions Wenner-Gren, Pilgrims Trust and Kalouste Gulbenkian; his science-writing colleagues might write a few paragraphs (tp.)

 10    Memo regarding invitation from Mrs Seligman to members of Council to sherry on 24 Jan., to have a last look at the mask (tp.)

 11    Text of a speech read by Mrs Seligman at the party on 24 Jan. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

 12    [MWS] to the Hon. Editor of Man, nd – letter on the sale of the Benin mask; includes Mrs Seligman’s speech. 3 leaves (tp.) [see Man, June 1958, No. 124]

 13    Adrian Digby to MWS, 27 Jan. – feels that RAI should make an effort to mark its appreciation to Mrs Seligman; suggests a medal in commemoration which could be presented to her; replicas could be sold to raise funds; otherwise suggests a replica of the mask; asks her to put these possibilities before the Council (autogr.)

 14    Robert Goldwater to MWS, ibid. – refers to her letter; discusses the matter of publicity; the Museum would prefer to have no publicity until the mask can be put on view; Mr K.C. Murray has written to Mr Rockefeller asking that the mask be donated to Nigeria. 2 leaves (tp.)

 15    Secretary to the Officers [Miss Joan Edwards?] to Mrs Ettlinger, ibid. – on income refunded from her subscription if covenanted; at present is receiving no refunds on covenanted subscriptions because of the proceedings pending after the case of the National Book League (tpc.)

 16    George Beresford-Stooke to members of the Council, ibid. – on the Endowment Fund; has drawn up a list of industrial organisations to be approached; if any of the Chairmen or Managing Directors are known to members personally, asks that they approach them; asks them to indicate other organisations who might be interested (tp.)

 17    List of firms with names of Chairmen (tp.) [enclosed with previous item]

 18    T.A. Margerison to MWS, 28 Jan. – is still interested in including articles on anthropology in New Scientist; wonders how the appeal for endowments should be coordinated; suggests they meet to discuss this (tp.)

 19    M. Fortes to Sir George Beresford-Stooke, 29 Jan. – does not know anyone on the list; mentions Unilever (autogr.)

 20    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to MWS, ibid. – cannot help with the list; notices that a number of firms operating in Africa do not appear on it; mentions the Gulbenkian Foundation; he knows the Secretary W.A. Sanderson personally (tp.)

 21    Raymond Firth to Sir George Beresford-Stooke, ibid. – knows none of the officers of the firms; takes it that he wants to make a completely fresh start; thinks this a good move (tp.)

 22    J.P. Mills to [ibid.?], ibid. – has no contacts with commerce so cannot approach anyone; suggests some firms which might be added to the list; asks about UNESCO (autogr.)

 23    29 Jan. – list of firms with comment by N.A. Barnicot (tp. and autogr.)

 24    Ibid. – ibid. with comment by H.J. Fleure (tp. and autogr.)

 25    30 Jan. – ibid. with comment by B.M. Blackwood (tp. and autogr.)

 26    MWS to Dr T.A. Margerison, 30 Jan. – what she had in mind was a series of articles which would correspond in time with the endowment drive; perhaps authors would donate a percentage of their fee to the appeal; would like to meet him (tpc.)

 27    31 Jan. - list of firms with comment by Audrey I. Richards (tp. and autogr.)

 28    MWS to Dr Robert Goldwater, 3 Feb. – had discussed the matter of publicity with WBF, the other Officers, and Mrs Seligman; if a question arises about the export, reference would be made to the British Museum; is astounded that Kenneth Murray wrote as he did; the Nigerian government had the first option of the mask; outlines two possibilities of ways to proceed; WBF is of the opinion that it might be a good idea to exhibit the mask before it leaves the country. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 29    Lucy [Mair] to MWS, 5 Feb. – on having her name in gold on a board, for £30; has no desire for this but encloses £30; on resigning from the RAI; gives reasons (autogr.)

 30    Text of a telegram from [Mrs] Seligman to Primitive Art Museum, New York, 5 Feb. – details have been leaked to the press (tp.)

 31    MWS to Dr Robert Goldwater, ibid. – is sorry that the leak to the press has occurred; she did think that it would be difficult to keep the story from the press but did not expect it to come out so soon; the buyer’s name was not included in the release; on the question of when he will take possession of the mask (tpc.)

 32    6 Feb. - Minute: proposed resolution on the Endowment Fund (tp.)

 33    Winifred[?] […?] to Brenda [Seligman], 6 Feb. 1958 – sends a ‘measley’ contribution (autogr.)

 34    Text of telegram from WBF to Robert Goldwater, 6 Feb. – on exhibiting the mask; on Murray’s letter (tp.)

 35    Sir George Beresford-Stooke to MWS, 9 Feb. – refers to attached memo by Mrs Seligman; thinks the RAI should accept the offer on the conditions stated; on a Trust to administer £15,000; has one question (autogr.)

 36    17 Feb. – Memorandum by Mrs B.Z. Seligman for consideration by the Council of the RAI; sets out terms by which the money is given to the RAI. 2 leaves (tp.)

 37    Ibid. – ibid. (another version). 3 leaves (tp. copy)

 38    MWS to Charles Ratton, 10 Feb. – on the publicity concerning the sale of the mask which was leaked to the press; asks if he would like his name to appear in future publicity as the dealer responsible for the sale; on exhibiting the mask (tpc.)

 39    D.H.F. Wilson to Sir George Beresford-Stooke, 11 Feb. – on the names on the list he has only met one, briefly; has already approached the few prominent men in Commerce and Industry whom he knows personally; is willing to help where he can; on Mr Sieff (tp.)

 40    [MWS] to Dr Audrey Richards, ibid. – on her encouraging response to the Hon. Treasurer’s letter; he was delighted that she could approach Mr King of the Daily Mirror and West African Newspapers; on the Memorandum setting out the conditions of the gift (tpc.)

 41    Charles Ratton to MWS, ibid. – on her letter of 10 Feb.; on the articles which appeared in the English press; thinks the general public is not very interested in the matter; on photographs of the mask (tp., in French)

 42    Edmund R. Leach to MWS, 12 Feb. – on Mrs Seligman’s circular; thinks she should be ‘tougher’ in her treatment of the RAI; feels that the Fellows need to be provided with a real stimulus to do something definite; the appeal could have a specific objective of raising £26,000; if it is not worth this much to the Fellows, it might as well be wound up. 3 pages (autogr.)

 43    Text of two telegrams, WBF to [Robert Goldwater], nd, and MWS to ibid., 12 Feb. 1958 – on exhibition of mask in London, and transfer to New York (tp.)

 44    Robert Goldwater to MWS, 12 Feb. – agrees to transfer on 8 Mar.; credits must read ‘purchased for the Museum of Primitive Art’ (telegram)

 45    Charles Ratton to ibid., ibid. – forgot to ask her not to mention his name in the matter of the mask (tp., in French)

 46    MWS to Charles Ratton, 13 Feb. – assures him that his name will not be mentioned in any releases about the mask; on the publicity in the Times; on an article in the Illustrated London News; the mask will be on view in the British Museum from 21 Feb. to 7 Mar. (tpc.)

 47    Ibid. to E. Bacon, Illustrated London News, ibid. – on the full page article on the Seligman Mask; thanks him for featuring the photographs so prominently; on the Private View at the British Museum (tpc.)

 48    Ibid. to Peterborough, the Daily Telegraph, 14 Feb. – on publicity given to the sale of the mask by the News Editor; now gives him certain further details which might be more suitable for his column; the mask was bought for the Museum of Primitive Art; it will be exhibited in the British Museum; on the Private View; will greatly appreciate any comment he could make; on money raised so far for the Endowment Fund (tpc.)

 49    M. Fortes to MWS, 15 Feb. – on meeting of Council to discuss arrangements for the Endowment Fund; the form of a letter to the press about the Fund is to be discussed; thinks it should be clear that the RAI has the support of University teaching departments and research institutions; the signatories to the letter should include influential people outside the Council (tp.)

 50    Joan Edwards, Administrative Secretary, to Miss Colfer, 17 Feb. – on speaking about an article which her New York office was interested in; on the sale of the Seligman mask; on the leak to the press; encloses invitation to the Private View at the British Museum; on Dodie Hamlin (tpc.)

 51    MWS to Eric Newton, ibid. – on primitive art and the more experimental developments in contemporary art; on the display of two ivory masks at the British Museum; encloses invitation to the Private View; encloses general press release with information about the sale of the mask and the purpose to which the money will be put (tpc.)

 52    Ibid. to B.D. Misselbrook, British American Tobacco Co., 18 Feb. 1958 – refers to his interest in anthropology; invites him to the Private View of the exhibition of the ivory masks; the viewing is the official opening of the RAI’s Public Appeal for Endowment; on the sale of the mask and the donation of the proceeds (tpc.)

 53    John Hillaby to MWS, 19 Feb. – feels she will get most publicity and most help from letters to Editors; suggests some people who might write letters to various publications; a printed appeal could be hung up on university and museum notice boards (tp.)

 54    MWS, nd – list of publications (autogr.)

 55    Ibid. to Dr Charles Dollard, Carnegie Corporation of New York, 20 Feb. – enquires whether he could give any assistance; on the work of the RAI; on the average deficit; the task is twofold: to increase membership and subscriptions to publications, and to raise an Endowment Fund; turns to him in connection with the latter; on the sale of the Benin mask; Mrs Seligman will match money raised from other sources; asks if the Carnegie Corporation could help. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 56    21 Feb. – on the Benin ivory masks; on the RAI and the public appeal; list of Officers and Members of council [press release?] 4 pages (tp.)

 57    Invitation to the Private View of the Seligman Benin Ivory Mask, to be exhibited in the British Museum (printed card)

 58    List of those invited[?] to the Private View. 4 leaves (tp.)

 59    J.A. Fraser Roberts, MWS & Sir George Beresford-Stooke to Sir William Hailey, Editor, the Times, 21 Feb. – on the RAI facing a financial crisis; on the deficit during the last several years; demands on facilities have been greater than ever; the interest from an Endowment Fund of £50,000 would meet the deficit, save the RAI and allow for expansion of activities; £7,000 has been raised already; on the sale by Mrs Seligman of the ivory mask; the sum raised is being donated to match money raised from other sources; gifts will therefore be doubled in value. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 60    MWS to ibid., ibid. – neither a copy of the letter nor any of the information in it has been sent to the Letters Editor of any other publication (tpc.)

 61    […?] to Meyer [Fortes], Prof. Evans-Pritchard, Dr Little, Dr Meinhard & Prof. Gluckman, 24 Feb. 1958 – on the letter sent to the Times; hopes it will be published soon; on a follow-up letter from the university departments indicating the importance of the RAI to the teaching of anthropology; Profs. Firth and Forde are taking the matter in hand (tpc.)

 62    Joan Edwards to Miss Pick, West Africa, ibid. – hopes she will send a copy of anything she publishes about the mask; gives a list of those present at the Private View (tpc.)

 63    Text of telegram from [Mrs] Seligman to the Primitive Art Museum, New York, ibid. – on selling photographs of the mask (tp.)

 64    Frederick Leveaux to the Curator, Ivory Collections, British Museum, ibid. – on article in the Times giving account of the ivory masks; sent a copy of the article to a clairvoyant friend; refers to automatically-written message which was given to her (tp. copy)

 65    ‘Message’ concerning the mask, given by automatic writing on 16 Feb.; the mask has nothing of the negroid in it but the characteristics of a race of the Azores (tp. copy)

 66    Frederick Leveaux to MWS, 24 Feb. – encloses copy of letter to the British Museum and its enclosure (tp.)

 67    Adrian Digby to F. Leveaux, 26 Feb. – finds his letter interesting although he is not convinced by the automatic writing; on the masks; is interested in his clairvoyant friend’s message (tp. copy)

 68    Frederick Leveaux to MWS, 27 Feb. – refers to her letters of 25 and 26 Feb. [not held]; on the possibility of the masks having been made in the Azores; on the colonisation of the Azores; encloses copy of letter from the British Museum; will be of interest to him to know what remarks, if any, Mrs Seligman makes (tp.)

 69    MWS to Miss L.M. Walsh, the Scotsman, ibid. – has received the cutting of her article about the affairs of the RAI; thanks her for the trouble she took; the support of the press means a great deal (tpc.)

 70    Frederick Leveaux to MWS, 28 Feb. 1958 – omitted to reply to her request as to how the RAI’s aim to collect for an Endowment Fund could be furthered; he is ignorant of the science of anthropology; needs to be enlightened as to its utility; if the work of the RAI promotes the welfare of native races then an appeal to Commonwealth countries might meet with success; small attempts to raise funds might produce a ‘dribble’; Mrs Seligman’s condition that another £20,000 be raised will be a difficult one (tp.)

 71    MWS to Peterborough, 28 Feb. – on a paragraph in the column about the exhibition of the Seligman Benin Ivory Mask; the support of the press means a great deal (tpc.)

 72    Ibid. to the Rt. Hon. Lord Adrian, 3 Mar. – enquires whether he could give any assistance; RAI is making a general appeal for gifts for its Endowment Fund; a letter has been published in the Times; would be grateful if he would write to the Times suggesting the importance of anthropological studies (tpc.)

 73    3 Mar. – first draft resolution on the Endowment Fund (tp.)

 74    nd – second draft resolution on the Endowment Fund (tp.)

 75    4 Mar. – letter by J.A. Fraser Roberts, MWS & Sir George Beresford-Stooke, reprinted from the Times, on ‘Anthropological Studies’ [see /7/59] (printed; 3 copies)

 76    Joan Edwards to F. Leveaux, 4 Mar. – MWS has asked her to send a copy of a letter which appeared in the Times this morning; hopes the correspondence will continue; on the mask exhibited in the British Museum (tpc.)

 77    Ibid. to the Rt. Hon. Lord Hailey, ibid. - enquires whether he could give any assistance; RAI is making a general appeal for gifts for its Endowment Fund; a letter has been published in the Times; encloses a copy; would be grateful if he would write to the Times suggesting the importance of anthropological studies (tpc.)

 78    Ibid. to the Rt. Hon. Lord Russell, ibid. – assuming that a philosopher would have the interests of anthropology at heart, enquires whether he could give any assistance; RAI is making a general appeal for gifts for its Endowment Fund; a letter has been published in the Times; encloses a copy; would be grateful if he would write to the Times suggesting the importance of anthropological studies (tpc.)

 79    R.D. Greenaway to MWS, ibid. – has read the letter in the Times; sorry to hear of the RAI’s financial difficulties; encloses cheque for 3 guineas; regrets that it cannot be a larger offering (tp.)

 80    A. Browne-Wilkinson, Lincoln’s Inn, 5 Mar. – Opinion on the sale of the ivory mask (tp.)

 81    5 Mar. – note from Miss Agnes Fry, sending cheque for one guinea (autogr.)

 82    Keith E. Robinson to MWS, 5 Mar. – encloses cheque for £5 (tp.)

 83    MWS to Denys Sutton, ibid. – on his article in the Financial Times; encloses copy of a letter she has sent to the Editor; encloses copy of letter sent to the Times (tpc.)

 84    Ibid. to the Editor, the Financial Times, ibid. – Denys Sutton substantiates his own statement that art standards are subjectively determined; he has failed to note the sale of the mask for the record price of £20,000 net; the appreciation of such pieces has to be cultivated assiduously; on the capital appreciation from approximately £12 to £20,000 in less than fifty years (tpc.)

 85    Financial Times, 11 Mar. – ibid. (newspaper cutting)

 86    Ibid. to Dr Geoffrey Gorer, ibid. – on the letter in the Times; is anxious to keep the correspondence going; is sure that the general public have not got a clue as to the real meaning of anthropology; on John Hillaby, who thinks the Guardian would take an article from him emphasising the public interest angle; he suggested contacting Patrick Monkhouse (tpc.)

 87    Coutts & Co. to J.A. Fraser Roberts, ibid. – on the letter in the Times; as Bankers to the RAI since 1887 would like to contribute 25 guineas to the Endowment Fund (tp.)

 88    Max Gluckman to MWS, 6 Mar. – refers to her letter of 24 Feb.; did not see the letter in the Times; will see if he can follow it up (tp.)

 89    Florence Anderson, Carnegie Corporation of New York, to ibid., ibid. – sorry to tell her that the Corporation cannot contribute to the Endowment Fund; trustees are not making grants for endowment purposes; believes a grant would be beyond the bounds of their charter (tp.)

 90    J.A. Fraser Roberts to the Manager, Coutts & Co., 6 Mar. 1958 – read his letter with the greatest pleasure, for the welcome contribution and for the gesture of good will; members of Council have asked him to convey their appreciation (tpc.)

 91    Geoffrey Gorer to MWS, ibid. – suggests she get in touch with the BBC television programme ‘Monitor’; at the moment he is overwhelmed with work and could not undertake any articles; when it is out of the way he could consider writing a piece; does not know anybody influential in BBC TV but Mary Adams is a friend of Margaret’s (tp.)

 92    Frederick Leveaux to Joan Edwards, ibid. – thanks her for copy of letter to the Times; it is a drawback to an appeal for funds that the science of anthropology has produced merely academic results; the letter is not reassuring that the RAI is in a position to establish that the science can have practical application (tp.)

 93    MWS to Dr Graham Du Shane, Editor, Science, ibid. – encloses paragraph which she would like him to insert in the section ‘News Briefs’; paragraph outlines the drive for an Endowment Fund of £50,000 (tpc.)

 94    W.E. Le Gros Clark to MWS, 7 Mar. – should like to help promote the Endowment Fund; does not think that a letter from him to the Times would carry much weight; the best people to approach are the Colonial Administrators (tp.)

 95    MWS to A.P. Ryan, the Times, ibid. – on a possible feature article in the Times on anthropology and the RAI; encloses a piece to be used in any way he wishes (tpc.)

 96    ‘The Role of Anthropology in the World Today’. 5 pages (tp.) [enclosed with previous item]

 97    Ibid. 7 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)

 98    Lord Russell to MWS, 8 Mar. – cannot help as his time is completely absorbed in the anti-H-bomb campaign (tp.)

 99    [MWS] to Dr Fraser Roberts, 10 Mar. – has received the enclosed reply from Sir Wilfrid Le Gros Clark [/7/94]; on a follow-up [letter] from the physical anthropologists; encloses letter from the social anthropologists (tpc.)

100    Daryll Forde to Lord Hailey, ibid. – thanks him for willingness to support the RAI Appeal; on writing letters to the Times (tpc.)

101    MWS to Dr Geoffrey Gorer,10 Mar. 1958 – the television programme ‘Monitor’ would have been the ideal spot; on the leaking of the news to the press; on getting a piece in the Spectator or the New Statesman; the New Scientist has gone ‘all anthropological’ (tpc.)

102    MWS to Adrian Digby, British Museum, 11 Mar. – thanks him for the arrangements he made for the exhibition of the two masks (tpc.)

103    Denys Sutton to MWS, 13 Mar. – on her letter to the Financial Times; gives the reason why he did not mention the Mask in his article; her opening sentences are rather sharp; reminds her that Benin art has fetched excellent prices in London (tp.)

104    MWS to Denys Sutton, ibid. – agrees her sentences were rather sharp; claims press prerogatives; refers to ‘going frantic’ at lack of response to the Endowment Fund Appeal (tpc.)

105    J.A. White, the Times, to Prof. Raymond Firth, 17 Mar. – pressure on space prevents the Editor from making use of the letter signed by University teachers and research workers (tp. copy)

106    Peter Camden Pineo to RAI, 24 Mar. – refers to statement in the New Statesman; sends as much as he can afford (autogr. with autogr. note by D.V. Owen)

107    J.A. Fraser Roberts to Sir Simon Marks, nd – on Mr Israel Sieff and his donation of £5,000 to the Endowment Fund; asks whether the Simon Marks Charitable Trust or the Agnes Spencer Charitable Trust would consider contributing; on the RAI and its work; it is having difficulty in raising funds; on the creation of the Endowment Fund; on the Seligman Memorial Trust; encloses copy of letter which appeared in the Times. 3 leaves (tpc.)

108    Lord Hailey to Prof. Forde, 5 Apr. – thinks a letter to the Times on the RAI appeal should follow the joint letter; has been waiting to see if this came out; on cancelling trip to Brussels (autogr.)

109    MWS to Lord Hailey, 17 Apr. – refers to his letter to Prof. Forde; the Editor was not willing to print the joint letter; there is little more to be done; suggests he might write a letter on the general relevance of anthropology to African studies (tpc.)

110    K.E. Attwood to [MWS?], nd – on letting Lord Hailey know the arrangements for the Times joint letter (autogr.)

111    MWS, 1 May 1958 – circular letter to Members; on the Endowment Fund; on the Seligman Memorial Trust which will match other donations; suggests that each Fellow might send one guinea (tp.)

112    Ibid., with note of donation by Dr Paula Brown (tp. with autogr. note)

113    Ibid., with note of donation by T.F. McIlwraith (tp. with autogr. note)

114    Ibid., with note of donation by Robert Redfield (tp. with autogr. note)

115    K.E. Larsson[?] to RAI, 3 May – encloses cheque for one guinea (autogr.)

116    J.A. Fraser Roberts, 7 May – circular letter to Members; [very similar to /7/111] (tp.)

117    Ibid., with note of donation by A.I. Richards (tp. with autogr. note)

118    Ibid., with note of donation by O.H. Myers (tp. with autogr. note)

119    George Beresford-Stooke, 7 May – ibid. with note of donation by H.H. Coghlan (tp. with autogr. note)

120    Geoffrey Gorer to George Beresford-Stooke, 8 May – is prepared to pay £10 a year for five or seven years by covenant (tp.)

121    Miss M.A. Murray to MWS, ibid. – encloses cheque for two guineas (autogr.)

122    John Beattie to George Beresford-Stooke, ibid. – encloses contribution for the Endowment Fund (autogr.)

123    Leon Underwood to Mr Fraser Roberts, ibid. – offers a work which might raise more than the suggested £1; it is a bronze sculpture which the RAI could sell (autogr. with autogr. note by WBF)

124    Douglas H. Carpenter to George Beresford-Stooke, ibid. – encloses cheque for one guinea; offers his services as an Organisation and Methods Officer; offers to look at the RAI’s office systems with a view to simplification and reduction of costs (autogr.)

125    Donald G. Macleod to […?], ibid. – encloses a contribution (autogr.)

126    Dr J.S. Weiner to George Beresford-Stooke, nd – slip accompanying contribution (tp.)

127    Rev. W.H. Hudspeth to […?], 9 May 1958 – encloses contribution (autogr.)

128    Sannie Drew to George Beresford-Stooke, ibid. – encloses cheque for £5 (autogr.)

129    Prof. M.A. MacConaill to ibid., ibid. – encloses a guinea (tp.)

130    J.S. Weiner to ibid., ibid. – offers to turn over to the RAI the royalties for his share of the book ‘A Hundred Years of Anthropology’; this comes to about a guinea every six months; hopes he can recover income tax on this amount; on making contact with Prof. Frankel with a view to approaching Mr Harry Oppenheimer (tp.)

131    T.T.S. Hayley to ibid., ibid. – is willing to execute a 7 year covenant for £5 annually (autogr.)

132    Mary Danielli to J.A. Fraser Roberts, nd – refers to the outstanding generosity of Mrs Seligman; her name should be included in the title of the Endowment Fund; will promise £5 when £20,000 has been raised; if Mrs Seligman’s name is not in the title of the Fund then her contribution will be £1 (autogr.)

133    J.A. Fraser Roberts to Mary Danielli, 9 May – appreciates her thought that Mrs Seligman’s name should be associated with the Endowment Fund; it is her wish that the Fund should be a memorial to her husband, Prof. C.G. Seligman; the portion of the Fund associated with the gift will appear as a separate item on the annual accounts under Prof. Seligman’s name; Fellows can be assured that Mrs Seligman’s name will not slip from remembrance (tpc.)

134    James Strachey to George Beresford-Stooke, 10 May – encloses cheque for £25 (autogr.)

135    Mrs Rishbeth to ibid., ibid. – sends two guineas (autogr.)

136    nd – note about a contribution from Mrs Frances Meredith (autogr.)

137    N.J. Brooke to MWS, 10 May – encloses cheque for £5; on sending some books; asks if previous copies of RAI journals are required (autogr.)

138    nd – note about a contribution from Charles Mountford (autogr.)

139    Adrian Coates to George Beresford-Stooke, 11 May – sends cheque for five guineas (autogr.)

140    Miss Lorna Wyndham to ibid., 11 May 1958 – sends donation (autogr.)

141    S. Leith-Ross to ibid., 12 May – has given Banker’s Orders to the bank; on annuity; makes a gift of five guineas to the Endowment Fund (autogr.)

142    Mr Bertild Bekker to MWS, ibid. – encloses cheque for one guinea (autogr.)

143    Winifred Wells to George Beresford-Stooke, ibid. – encloses cheque for £5 on behalf of her husband (tp.)

144    W.E. Le Gros Clark to ibid., ibid. – sends contribution of £5 (autogr.)

145    J.A. Fraser Roberts to Dr Audrey Richards, ibid. – thanks her for responding to the Appeal; is quite encouraged by the letters received (tpc.)

146    Dora H. de Beer to J.A. Fraser Roberts, 13 May – should like to make an annual gift of £10 for 7 years by deed of covenant (autogr.)

147    Mary Danielli to ibid., ibid. – is glad to hear of arrangements for the perpetuation of the name of Seligman in connection with the Endowment Fund; will send her promised £5 as soon as the £20,000 is raised (autogr.)

148    Robert Paine to […?], 14 May – encloses counterfoil of Banker’s Order; encloses cheque for £2 for Endowment Fund (autogr. with autogr. note from Diana Owen to MWS)

149    nd – note about a contribution from G.K. Roth (autogr.)

150    Cesarion Jedrzejewicz to J.A. Fraser Roberts, 15 May – sends one guinea (autogr.)

151    J.A. Fraser Roberts to Mrs F. Meredith, ibid. – thanks her for her contribution (tpc.|)

152    T.J. Itkonen to RAI, ibid. – sends 3 dollars (autogr.)

153    Tracy Philipps to MWS, nd – sends 1,000 Belgian francs (tp.)

154    J.A. Fraser Roberts to Tracy Philipps, 15 May – thanks him for generous contribution (tpc.)

155    William H. Newell to George Beresford-Stooke, 16 May – sends an additional pound beyond what he has already donated (tp.)

156    MWS to N.J. Brooke, 16 May 1958 – on his contribution to the Endowment Fund; is heartened by the response of Fellows from overseas; back numbers of the Journal are very welcome (tpc.)

157    Ibid. to Leon Underwood, ibid. – on his offer of a bronze for the benefit of the Endowment Fund; on collecting a number of objects which could be auctioned; if this is done, his piece would be a valuable addition (tpc.)

158    Lady Shaw to J.A. Fraser Roberts, ibid. – encloses contribution of £5 (autogr.)

159    Paul Baxter to MWS, ibid. – asks for copy of photograph of Mrs Seligman’s ivory mask; encloses letter for Miss Bennet-Clark (tp. with autogr. PS)

160    Photograph of the ivory mask

161    P.T.W. Baxter to Miss Bennet-Clark, ibid. – asks about suppliers of envelopes (autogr.)

162    George E. Simpson to MWS, 17 May – encloses cheque for $25 (tp.)

163    John M. Roberts to ibid., ibid. – encloses cheque for $3; on a change of address (tp.)

164    J.A. Fraser Roberts to Prof. C.B. de C. Jedrzejewicz, 19 May – thanks him for his contribution; mentions that the staff of the Nuffield Blood Group Centre are Polish (tpc.)

165    Marion G. Culverwell, nd – card accompanying cheque for two guineas (autogr. card)

166    J.A. Fraser Roberts to Mrs M.G. Culverwell, 19 May – thanks her for her contribution (tpc.)

167    19 May – note about a contribution from Prof. Sp. Marinatos (autogr.)

168    Phillip V. Tobias to MWS, 20 May – sends a donation of one guinea (tp.)

169    Harold K. Schneider to ibid., ibid. – sends cheque for $3; on his arrears in dues (autogr.)

170    Norma McLeod to ibid., 21 May – encloses cheque for £3.10; mentions Robert W. Anderson, who speaks highly of MWS; on her plans; hopes the drive will be successful (tp.)

171    D.E. Budgett-Meakin to J.A. Fraser Roberts, ibid. – sends cheque for £5 (tp.)

172    James Salter, Congo Evangelistic Mission, to ibid., 22 May 1958 – sends contribution (autogr.)

173    John Layard to ibid., ibid.  – encloses cheque for one guinea (tp.)

174    MWS to James P.H. Marker, ibid. – thanks him for his contribution of $5; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

175    Ibid. to Mrs I.W. Athey, ibid. – thanks her for her contribution of 10 guineas; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

176    Ibid. to George E. Simpson, ibid. – thanks him for his contribution of $25; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

177    J.J. Klejman to MWS, ibid. – encloses cheque for $30 (tp.)

178    MWS to Paul Baxter, ibid. – is replying to his inquiry about envelopes; gives the name of the supplier; the Publications Secretary has sent him the copy of the picture of the Benin Ivory Mask (tpc.)

179    J.A. Fraser Roberts to Lady Shaw, 23 May – thanks her for her contribution; the response has been remarkably prompt (tpc.)

180    J.S. Weiner to George Beresford-Stooke, 24 May – on giving royalties to the RAI; is glad that he is arranging to see Prof. Frankel (tp.)

181    P.T.W. Baxter to MWS, 28 May – thanks her for information about envelopes; encloses a cheque for two guineas for the appeal (tp. with autogr. notes by RAI staff)

182    nd – note about contribution from Carl B. Compton (autogr.)

183    MWS to Carl B. Compton, 29 May – thanks him for his contribution of $3; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

184    Mrs Erna C. von Engel-Baiersdorf, nd - – card accompanying contribution of $3 (printed and autogr. card)

185    MWS to Mrs Erna C. von Engel-Baiersdorf, 29 May – thanks her for contribution of $3; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

186    Ibid. to Dr T.I. Itkonen, 29 May 1958 – thanks him for contribution of $3; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

187    Ibid. to Dr P.V. Tobias, ibid. - thanks him for contribution of one guinea; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

188    Ibid. to Prof. S. Marinatos, ibid. - thanks him for contribution of $3; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

189    Ibid. to J.S. Boston, ibid. - thanks him for contribution of £5; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

190    Ibid. to Prof. Robert Redfield, ibid. - thanks him for contribution of $6.30; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

191    Ibid. to Prof. Dr. J. Weninger, ibid. - thanks him for contribution of £2; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

192    Ibid. to Robert Paine, ibid. - thanks him for contribution of £2; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

193    Sally Chilver to George Beresford-Stooke, ibid. – is sorry the rough draft has taken so long (tp.)

194    Dora H. de Beer to Diana Owen, 30 May – encloses form; asks her to thank Sir George Beresford-Stooke for his letter (autogr.)

195    A.J.B. Hughes to ibid., ibid. – on his address; encloses contribution of £2 (tp.)

196    Notice of a meeting of the Seligman Trustees on 30 May (tp.)

197    ‘Toby’ Beresford-Stooke to MWS, 31 May – sends Mrs Chilver’s draft; thinks it is good; thinks the President should be asked to sign it (autogr.)

198    J.A. Fraser Roberts to the Rt. Hon. A.T. Lennox-Boyd, nd – writes to asks about Government support for the RAI; on its appeal which has raised over £8,000; on the concerns and subject matter of the RAI; imagines that tropical research by the Colonial Office is being run down; there is likely to be some decline in UK public interest in the science of man if learned societies do not maintain it; hopes that means will be found to maintain scientific connections with new African countries; the aims of the RAI are academic; Foundations are prepared to subsidise research; mentions the Nuffield Blood Group Centre; asks if the ‘overseas’ departments of Government could provide something like £75 a year each. 2 leaves (tpc.)

199    Ibid., nd – ibid. 3 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)

200    nd – ‘Additional Clause to be inserted in Trust Deed’ (autogr.)

201    MWS to Bircham & Co., 31 May – on the meeting of the Seligman Trustees; the draft deed was considered; outlines the comments made at the meeting on the deed; Mrs Seligman hopes that these comments will enable them to proceed with the preparation of the final deed; on the bank account which will be opened. 2 leaves (tpc.)

202    nd – draft deed. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

203    Mrs A. Wilson to […?], 31 May – encloses cheque for Christmas cards; encloses separate cheque for one guinea in reply to the appeal letter (autogr.)

204    WBF, nd – on the sale of the mask; on Mrs Seligman’s generosity in contributing the proceeds to the RAI’s Endowment Fund; on copies of a photograph of the mask which will be sold to raise money for the Fund (autogr. draft)

205    George Beresford-Stooke to Dr J.S. Weiner, 2 June – asks that he send the cheques to Miss Edwards; is heartened by the results of the appeal (tpc.)

206    David G. Mandelbaum to MWS, ibid. – encloses cheque for $3 (tp.)

207    Bruce B. MacLachlan to ibid., 3 June - encloses cheque for $3 (tp.)

208    Margaret D. Ralph to Joan Edwards, ibid. – sends a batch of Dr Roberts’ ‘Thank You’ letters (tp.)

209    Tom Harrisson to MWS, ibid. – sends ten guineas for the Endowment Fund (autogr.)

210    G.D. Williams to RAI, 4 June 1958 – encloses cheque for $3 for the Endowment Fund (tp.)

211    M.E. Carter to ibid., ibid. – sends cheque for £5 for the Endowment Fund (autogr.)

212    5 June – compliments slip from Sir Maurice Bloch, with donation of £50 to the Endowment Fund (printed and tp.)

213    J.A. Fraser Roberts to D.E. Budgett-Meakin, 6 June – thanks him for his donation; the prompt response is most encouraging (tpc.)

214    Ibid. to J. Salter, ibid. - thanks him for his donation; the prompt response is most encouraging (tpc.)

215    Ibid. to C.A. Wilson, ibid. - thanks him for his donation; the prompt response is most encouraging (tpc.)

216    Ibid. to J. Layard, ibid. - thanks him for his donation; the prompt response is most encouraging (tpc.)

217    A.Y. Eke to MWS, ibid. – encloses cheque for one guinea (autogr.)

218    O. Bateye to ibid., 7 June – encloses cheque for two guineas (autogr.)

219    Rosalind L.B. Moss to George Beresford-Stooke, 8 June – on her subscription; encloses cheque for £5 for the Endowment Fund (autogr.)

220    MWS to Prof. Harold K. Schneider, 9 June – thanks him for his contribution of $3; the response so far has been encouraging; on his subscription (tpc.)

221    [MWS] to Mrs E.M. Chilver, ibid. – has her draft letter to Mr Lennox-Boyd; sure Sir George is right that it should be sent over the President’s signature; is not sure what some of the initials mean; asks if she can phone her (tpc.)

222    MWS to M.E. Carter, ibid. – thanks him for his contribution; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

223    Ibid. to Tom Harrisson, 10 June – thanks him for his contribution of ten guineas; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

224    Diana V. Owen to Miss Rosalind L.B. Moss, 10 June – thanks her for her contribution of £5; the Hon. Treasurer will be writing; on her subscription (tpc.)

225    MWS to Prof. de Josselin de Jong, 10 June 1958 – thanks him for contribution of one guinea; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

226    The National Bank of Scotland to MWS, 11 June – encloses cheque for £50 from Sir Maurice Bloch (tp.)

227    Sally Chilver to ibid., 12 June – sends apologies for not coming (autogr. pc)

228    Ernest B. Haddon to George Beresford-Stooke, ibid. – encloses cheque for five guineas (autogr.)

229    Brownjohn & Howard (Exports) Ltd. to MWS, 13 June – by the request of Mr Sohrab K.H. Katrak, enclose cheque for one guinea (tp.)

230    MWS to P.M. Morton-Williams, ibid. – thanks him for his contribution of three guineas; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

231    Ibid. to Dr G.D. Williams, ibid. – thanks him for his contribution of $3; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

232    Ibid. to Ernest Haddon, ibid. – thanks him for his contribution of five guineas; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

233    K. Margaret Trowell to MWS, 15 June – sends cheque for one guinea (tp.)

234    MWS to Oliver Bateye, 16 June – thanks him for contribution of two guineas; the response so far has been encouraging; on his address (tpc.)

235    Ibid. to Sohrab K.H. Katrak, 17 June – thanks him for his contribution of one guinea; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

236    J.A. Fraser Roberts to O.H. Myers, 18 June – thanks him for generous donation; the prompt response is most encouraging (tpc.)

237    nd – note about a contribution from Raymond T. Smith (autogr.)

238    MWS to Dr Raymond T. Smith, 19 June – thanks him for his contribution of two guineas; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

239    Ibid. to Bruce B. MacLachlan, ibid. – thanks him for his contribution of $3; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

240    D.V. Sassoon to MWS, 19 June 1958 – encloses cheque for one guinea (autogr.)

241    National Provincial Bank Ltd. to RAI, 20 June – by order of Sig. Renato Biasutti, send cheque for £2 (printed and tp. form)

242    nd – note about contribution from C.S. Chard (autogr.)

243    MWS to Dr Chester S. Chard, 23 June – thanks for his contribution of $6; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

244    nd – note about a contribution from James Stevenson-Hamilton (autogr.)

245    MWS to Dr Paula Brown, 23 June – thanks her for her contribution of £3; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

246    Ibid. to D.V. Sassoon, 24 June – thanks him for his contribution of one guinea; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

247    Ibid. to Prof. Renato Biasutti, ibid. – thanks him for his contribution of £2; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

248    J.D. Freeman to MWS, 27 June – encloses a cheque for one guinea (tp.)

249    Manager, Bank of Baroda, to ibid., 28 June – by order of Dr W. Haberland, forwards cheque for two guineas (printed and tp.)

250    R.W. Dunning to ibid., 30 June – encloses $3; on the publishing of his monograph (autogr.)

251    R. Money-Kyrle to George Beresford-Stooke, 1 July – encloses cheque for £5 (autogr.)

252    John Blacking to MWS, ibid. – encloses contribution; may be able to make a more worthy contribution in the future (autogr.)

253    C.A. Strang to […?], 4 July – encloses cheque (autogr.)

254    W.N. Fenton to MWS, 9 July – encloses cheque for $3; since his visit in 1952 he has become a fan of the RAI; on his daughter who will be visiting Europe (tp. with autogr. note)

255    A.M. Jones to ibid., ibid. – encloses cheque for £1 (autogr.)

256    C. Renate Barber to Miss Williamson, nd – encloses cheque for one guinea (autogr.)

257    J. Desmond Clark to MWS, 11 July 1958 – refers to an event in June; sorry he has taken so long to reply; sends a cheque for a guinea for the Endowment Fund (autogr.)

258    Leonhard Adam to ibid., 12 July – apologises for taking so long to reply to the appeal; explains why; feels it is the duty of every Fellow to give what he can; his own financial capacity is limited; is instructing his bank to transfer 100 DM; wishes to contribute another 100 DM to the Myres Memorial Fund at Oxford University (tp.)

259    Jean Buxton to George Beresford-Stooke, 14 July – was in the Sudan when the appeal letter was sent; has instructed the National Council of Social Science to pay £5 annually towards the Endowment Fund (autogr.)

260    B.A.L. Cranstone to George Beresford-Stooke, ibid. – encloses cheque (autogr.)

261    A.G. Saville to MWS, 18 July – forwards cheque for one guinea (autogr.)

262    Paul Bohannan to ibid., 21 July – asks what happened to the publication which was to have come out of the art conference; Princeton has given him permanency; encloses cheque for $25 for the Seligman fund (tp.)

263    J.S. Weiner to ibid., 22 July – on approaching Mr Oppenheimer for a library fund of £25,000; when he first put forward the idea it was on the basis of the list of large firms which the Treasurer had drawn up; a fairly large sum might be asked for but he is diffident about asking for a different purpose; would rather approach him on the original basis of the general appeal (tp.)

264    MWS, nd – note on approaching Mr Oppenheimer (autogr.)

265    Manager, Lloyds Bank Ltd., to MWS, 23 July – by order of Dr Leonhard Adam, encloses cheque for £8.9.9 (printed and tp.)

266    MWS to R.W. Dunning, 24 July – thanks him for his contribution of $3; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

267    Ibid. to J.C. Stevenson-Hamilton, ibid. – thanks him for his contribution of one guinea; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

268    Ibid. to A.G. Saville, 24 July 1958 - thanks him for his contribution of one guinea; the response so far has been encouraging (tpc.)

269    Ibid. to Dr W.N. Fenton, 25 July – refers to his letter and his contribution; so many donations from Fellows overseas makes her realise how small the anthropological world is; on his daughter (tpc.)

270    Ibid. to Dr P.J. Bohannan, ibid. – on the publication of the ‘Artist in Tribal Society’ stuff; hopes it will be out by the end of the year; thanks him for contribution to the Endowment Fund; it is good news about permanency (tpc.)

271    Bircham & Co. to MWS, ibid. - enclose a copy of the draft Trust Deed altered in red ink to show amendments required if a Custodian Trustee is to be appointed; enclosed Rider contains additional clauses covering procedure to be adopted by the Trustees at meetings; on other legal matters. 2 leaves (autogr.)

272    Draft Trust Deed. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. amendments)

273    Rider. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. amendments)

274    J.S.P. Bradford to […?], 28 July – on the forwarding of Dr Leonhard Adam’s letter with his promise to contribute to the Myres Memorial Fund; has passed the letter to the University Chest, Oxford (autogr.)

275    MWS to Dr J.S. Weiner, 30 July – on approaching Mr Oppenheimer; the Hon. Treasurer was of the view that Mr Oppenheimer would be unlikely to give money for endowment purposes but might be interested in a more specific project; the point is that the RAI has to have general administrative funds; he should approach Mr Oppenheimer on the basis which he thinks most likely to be successful (tpc.)

275a    Ibid. to Dr Leonhard Adam, ibid. (tpc.)

276    31 July – Deed of Endowment. 7 leaves (tp.)

277    Charles J. Reardon, F.S. Moseley & Co., to RAI, 7 Aug. – on behalf of Dr L. Cabot Briggs, encloses dollar draft for $6 (tp.)

278    Evelyn M. Tisdall, Secretary, to MWS, 18 Aug. – Dr Weiner had left for South Africa before her letter arrived; he will not be able to approach Mr Oppenheimer straightaway as he is engaged on field work (tp.)

279    [MWS] to Prof. J. Barnes, 20 Aug. – thanks him for contribution of one guinea; the response has been encouraging; on his address (tpc.)

280    MWS to R.W. Ehrich, 20 Aug. 1958 – thanks him for his contribution of $3; the response has been encouraging (tpc.)

281    Ibid. to Dr J. Bohm, ibid. – thanks him for his contribution of $3; the response has been encouraging (tpc.)

282    Ibid. to Prof. Rudolf Lehmann, ibid. – thanks him for his contribution of one guinea; the response has been encouraging; apologises for not writing sooner (tpc.)

283    E.J. Lindgren to Mrs Diana Owen, 26 Aug. – encloses cheque for £10 for the Endowment Fund; apologises for not sending it sooner (tp.)

284    [MWS] to E.J. Lindgren, 2 Sept. – thanks her for the generous gift for the Endowment Fund; outlines how the Fund is growing; on the next Council meeting (tpc.)

285    Manager, Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia, to MWS, 15 Sept. – at the request of D.F. Thomson, enclose cheque for one guinea (tp.)

286    nd – note about contribution from Charles F. Griffin (autogr.)

287    Manager, Bank of Tokyo, to RAI, 15 Sept. – enclose cheque for £3-11-7 from account of H. Watanabe (printed and tp. form)

288    Burton Benedict to MWS, 16 Sept. – encloses cheque for £35 (tp.)

289    New York Times, 17 Sept. – ‘$56,000 African Mask of Ivory Put on View at Museum Here’ (newspaper cutting)

290    MWS to Capt. Fuller, 18 Sept. – thanks him for ‘scrap of paper’; has received one allocation from the Seligman Trustees; hopes he will come to other lectures (tpc.)

291    J.A. Fraser Roberts to the Master of the Mercers’ Company, the Master of the Grocers’ Company, the Master of the Drapers’ Company, the Master of the Fishmongers’ Company, the Master of the Goldsmiths’ Company, the Master of the Skinners’ Company, the Master of the Merchant Taylors’ Company & the Master of the Haberdashers’ Company, [19 Sept.] – gives some information about the RAI; it is having difficulty in raising funds to continue its work adequately; on the Endowment Fund; mentions the library; asks if the Company might make a donation to the Endowment Fund or give a subscription for the library; suggests that a deputation might visit. 3 leaves (tp. draft)

292    Clerk of the Goldsmiths’ Company to J.A. Fraser Roberts, 22 Sept. 1958 – his appeal for a contribution to the endowment fund or a yearly subscription to the library shall be considered in due course; a deputation might be useful later; would like to see report and accounts (tp.)

293    Clerk to the Drapers’ Company to ibid., ibid. – the appeal will be brought to the attention of the Court of Assistants in due course (tp.)

294    Clerk to the Fishmongers’ Company to ibid., ibid. – it is not Company practice to meet all deputations who wish to ask for money but his letter will be considered in due course (tp.)

295    MWS to the Clerk of the Goldsmiths’ Company, 23 Sept. – refers to his ‘kind’ reply; encloses copy of Annual Report and Balance Sheet; encloses copy of Man (tpc.)

296    […?], Colonial Office, to J.A. Fraser Roberts, ibid. – acknowledges his letter to Mr Secretary Lennox-Boyd; consideration will be given to the points raised in his letter (tp.)

297    Master of the Mercers’ Company to ibid., 25 Sept. – his letter was considered; the Company is unable to make any donation (tp.)

298    Clerk to the Skinners’ Company to ibid., ibid. – the Master regrets that the Company has not funds available from which to make a grant (tp.)

299    Clerk of the Goldsmiths’ Company to MWS, ibid. – thanks her for annual report, balance sheet and copy of Man (tp.)

300    Assistant Clerk to the Grocers’ Company to J.A. Fraser Roberts, 30 Sept. – acknowledges his letter (tp.)

301    Dr Alec Lerner to ibid., ibid. – thanks him for letter of 25 Sept. [not held]; the Alec Lerner Charitable Trust is much more modest than the Israel and Rebecca Sieff Charitable Trust; is sending a cheque for 100 guineas (tp.)

302    Gertrude Caton Thompson to MWS, 1 Oct. – cannot attend Council meeting; on making a contribution to the Endowment fund; has £500 if Government gambling funds; suggests that if she wins something, she will give half to the capital sum (autogr.)

303    J.A. Fraser Roberts to Dr Alec Lerner, 2 Oct. – has reported his generous gift to Council; has been asked to thank him most sincerely (tpc.)

304    W.A. West, the Alec Lerner Charitable Trust, to J.A. Fraser Roberts, 2 Oct. 1958 – encloses cheque for 100 guineas (tp.)

305    E.J. Lindgren to Joan Edwards, 6 Oct. – asks her to show ‘the enclosed’ [/7/289] to the President; the last sentence perhaps deserves an ‘answer’ (tp.)

306    Joan Edwards to Dr Lindgren, 8 Oct. – thanks her for the cutting; MWS has replied (tpc.)

307    W.A. West, the Neville and Elaine Blond Charitable Trust, to J.A. Fraser Roberts, 9 Oct. – encloses cheque for £50 (tp.)

308    MWS to the Secretary General, Family Welfare Association, 10 Oct. – refers to formal material forwarded yesterday; sends up-to-date [information] on the appeal; on money raised; on the need for more space for the library; on the likely cost of this (tpc.)

309    J.A. Fraser Roberts to Mr & Mrs Neville Blond, ibid. – thanks them for generous contribution (tpc.)

310    Robert Heine-Geldern to MWS, 12 Oct. – explains delay in answering her circular letter of 1 May; encloses cheque for $5; on the next Americanist Congress (tp.)

311    Clerk of the Merchant Taylors’ Company to J.A. Fraser Roberts, 15 Oct. – on delay in replying; the committee are unable to make a grant (tp.)

312    MWS to the Editor, New York Times, 15 Oct. – refers to article of 17 Sept.; on the sale of the mask and the Seligman Memorial Trust; on the financing of science by private subscriptions; on the role of the learned societies; gives information about the RAI; Foundations do not normally contribute for endowment purposes, but individuals are responding to the RAI’s appeal. 2 leaves (tpc.)

313    Ibid.[?] to Prof. Dr Robert Heine-Geldern, 16 Oct. – thanks him for cheque for $5; on the Americanist conference (tpc.)

314    Clerk to the Drapers’ Company to J.A. Fraser Roberts, 27 Oct. – the Court of Assistants have considered the appeal but regret that they cannot see their way to make a grant (tp.)

315    27 Oct. – list of Endowment Fund expenses (tpc.)

 .1    Note on masks sold (autogr. by D. Cherry)

 .2    Note on mask photographs (autogr. by J. Edwards)

316    L.P. Huger, Letters Editor, New York Times, to MWS, 28 Oct. – it is always helpful to receive the opinions of readers; it is not possible to publish as many comments as they would wish (tp.)

317    Clerk to the Fishmongers’ Company to J.A. Fraser Roberts, 19 Nov. – regrets that no grant was made (tp.)

318    Clerk of the Goldsmiths’ Company to ibid., 20 Nov. – no grant has been recommended (tp.)

319    C.G. Lambert, Colonial Office, to ibid., 1 Dec. – refers to previous correspondence; it has not been possible to establish a case for subvention or contribution (tp.)

320    J.S. Weiner to MWS, 3 Dec. – did not make progress with Mr Harry Oppenheimer; Dr Ellen Hellman advised him strongly against a personal approach; on a prior approach by writing; suggests a letter from the Council might be fruitful; Oppenheimer has several requests for anthropological support before him (tp.)

321    Dennis M. Cohen to [MWS], 4 Dec. – on allowing his covenant to expire; encloses cheque for £50 to the Fund inaugurated by Mrs Seligman (tp.)

  8/    1959-63

  1    Gertrude Caton Thompson to MWS, 16 Jan. 1959 – on her ‘plan’ to donate to the Endowment Fund; if she wins anything on Premium Bonds the Fund shall have 50% (autogr.)

  2    Ibid. to Joan Edwards, 2 July – Dr Henry Field sends the enclosed cheque for the Endowment Fund (autogr.)

  3    Joan Edwards to Dr Henry Field, 7 July – MWS is abroad; she will be very happy to hear of his donation on her return; the RAI’s account for 1958 is just in credit so progress is being made (tpc.)

  4    Ibid. to Accountant, 7 July – on Dr Field’s cheque (tpc.)

  5    Tini Whetu Marama Tirikatene to MWS, 30 Nov. – is thrilled to learn that she has been elected Fellow of the RAI; is honoured to have been proposed by MWS and Miss Blackwood; encloses £5 in British postal orders to repay her for fees and subscription; refers to meeting her; she cannot yet have any degree added to her record (tp.)

  6    MWS to Miss Blackwood, 29 Dec. – thought she would be interested in the enclosed letter [previous item]; the £5 mentioned has gone to the Endowment Fund (tpc.)

  7    Ibid. to Miss T.W.M. Tirikatene, 29 Dec. 1959 – glad she is pleased about membership of RAI; on having the building decorated; explains that the £5 has gone into the Endowment Fund (tpc.)

  8    Ibid. to Accountant, ibid. – on postal orders from Miss Tirikatene (tpc.)

  9    G.A. Wainwright to MWS, 30 Dec. – encloses cheque for £30 for Mrs Seligman’s fund (tp.)

 10    J.P. Mills to […?], 31 Dec. – should like to subscribe to the endowment fund; asks for covenant form (autogr.)

 11    MWS to Accountant, 4 Jan. 1960 – on cheque from G.A. Wainwright (tpc.)

 12    Ibid. to G.A. Wainwright, 6 Jan. – expresses RAI’s gratitude for his donation; outlines how much has already been collected; has £11,000 still to go to take full advantage of Mrs Seligman’s generosity (tpc.)

 13    Ibid. to J.P. Mills, ibid. – thanks him for offer of a subscription by deed of covenant; encloses the appropriate forms; hopes that the Annual Accounts will show RAI in a more secure position (tpc.)

 .1    Form of Covenant (tpc.) [enclosed with previous item]

 14    MWS to Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 4 June – expresses gratitude to the Institute of Social Anthropology for cheque for £20 (tpc.)

 15    Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard to MWS, 7 June – explains that the contribution came from a grant made to him personally (tp.)

 16    MWS to Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 15 June – is sorry about the confusion; all is now in order (tpc.)

 17    Ibid. to Accountant, 17 June – on a cheque in respect of dividend on Sphere Investment Trust (tpc.)

 18    A.H. Smith, United Africa Company Ltd., to George Beresford-Stooke, 14 Sept. – can see no way in which the form of study he has in mind can be of value to industry; the kind of research that the businessman wants is not the kind that the RAI could provide; feels unable to recommend this to the Appeals Committee (tp.)

 19    George Beresford-Stooke to A.H. Smith, 27 Sept. 1960 – feels disappointed by his letter but thanks him for the consideration he gave to the proposal (tpc.)

 20    [Mrs B.Z. Seligman] to Miss Audrey Richards, 1 Nov. – her first idea was that an endowment fund of £50,000 would put the RAI on a sound basis; it is not likely that this target will be reached; so she has suggested a plan which might bring in donations from public bodies (tpc. with autogr. note from Mrs Seligman to MWS, and autogr. note by Joan Edwards)

 21    MWS to Accountant, 7 Nov. – on cheque from Institute of Social Anthropology (tpc.)

 22    Dr Hans Dietschy to Prof. Audrey Richards, RAI President 1959-61, 4 Dec. – on Congress in Paris; sees from the Report of the RAI that the finances are bad; refers to rounding up his subscriptions since the foundation of the endowment fund; on the report of the Middle and South American Research Committee; on papers he could publish (tp. with autogr. notes by Joan Edwards and A.I. Richards)

 23    Secretary, Messrs. Hoare Trustees to [MWS], 30 Dec. – are Executor of the Will of the late Mr Louis C.G. Clarke; the RAI is bequeathed £100 (tp.)

 24    Joan Edwards to the Secretary, Messrs. Hoare Trustees, 2 Jan. 1961 – the bequest will be reported to Council on 5 Jan.; looks forward to hearing further (tpc.)

 25    Ibid., 9 Jan. – asks if it might be possible for the RAI to have any copies which Mr Clarke might have had of the Journal and Man (tpc.)

 26    C. Hoare & Co., Bankers, to [MWS], 13 Jan. – encloses cheque for two guineas as a donation to the RAI; encloses Income Tax voucher (tp.)

 27    Joan Edwards to Accountant, 16 Jan. – cheque from Mr L.C.G. Clarke should be credited to the Endowment Fund (tpc.)

 28    Joan Edwards to the Secretary, Messrs. Hoare Trustees, 17 Jan. – acknowledges the cheque for two guineas; this sum with the £100 legacy will be paid into the Endowment Fund and will be doubled by contribution from the Seligman Memorial Trust (tpc.)

 29    E.J. Lindgren to Joan Edwards, 19 Jan. 1961 – Dr Clarke’s secretary has promised that no copies of Journal or Man will be destroyed; Dr Clarke used to let people ‘raid’ his anthropology collection so complete sets are unlikely to be there; on Dr Clarke’s obituary; on absence from Council meeting; asks for news of MWS (autogr.)

 30    Secretary, Messrs. Hoare Trustees to Joan Edwards, ibid. – may be able to help with back numbers of the publications (tp.)

 31    [B.J. Kirkpatrick, Librarian 1948-76,] to Messrs. Hoare Trustees, 20 Jan. – refers to their letter of 19 Jan.; would also be interested in any books which may be available (tpc.)

 32    Joan Edwards to Accountant, 28 Jan. – attaches cheque for $8.82 from the Methodist Publishing House, Nashville (tpc.)

 33    Feb. – remittance slip with cheque from Dr Lehmann (printed and tp.)

 34    Joan Edwards to Accountant, 23 Feb. – attaches cheque for £6 from Dr Lehmann (tpc.)

 35    Edith M. Horsley, Hutchinson and Co. (Publishers) Ltd., to Dr Audrey Richards, 28 Mar. – sends of behalf of Dr Hans Dietschy  a cheque for seven guineas, being his fee for assistance in illustrating the English edition of Prof. Lévi-Strauss’s book ‘Tristes Tropiques’ (tp.)

 36    Joan Edwards to Miss E.M. Horsley, 4 Apr. – thanks her on behalf of Dr Richards for letter and cheque from Dr Hans Dietschy (tpc.)

 37    Dr Audrey Richards to Dr Hans Dietschy, 6 Apr. – has received his contribution with the greatest pleasure; Council is not unmindful of other gifts he has made; on his nomination of Dr Carl Schmitz who has been elected to Fellowship (tpc.)

 38    Karl Danz to Joan Edwards, 7 Apr. – Mrs Caton Thompson sent photograph which will be reproduced; will pay 10/- reproduction fee (tp.)

 39    Joan Edwards to Accountant, 14 Apr. – on cheque for 10/- (tpc.)

 40    Ibid. to the Accountant General, Postal Remitttance Branch, 26 Apr. – asks for name and address of the sender of a British Money Order (tpc.)

 41    Accountant General’s Department, General Post Office, to RAI, 28 Apr. 1961 – on the British Money Order; has written to the German Postal Administration asking that the remitter should get in touch (printed, tp. and autogr.)

 42    Verlag Ullstein GMBH to RAI, 9 May – remittance of 10 shillings represents reproduction fee for one photograph (tp.)

 43    Joan Edwards to Accountant, 15 May – on encloses money order for 10/-d (tpc.)

 44    Secretary, Messrs. Hoare Trustees, to AHC, 30 Aug. – forwards cheque for £100 (tp.)

 45    Joan Edwards to Accountant, 31 Aug. – on cheque for £100 (tpc.)

 46    Estelle Fuller to AHC, 1 Nov. – on her invalid daughter who died in 1958; feels that the sum given is really her daughter’s money (autogr.)

 47    ‘Toby’ Beresford-Stooke to ibid., 23 Mar. 1962 – encloses cheque for £1,000 for the Endowment Fund from an anonymous donor; Council will not doubt ‘make a suitable noise’ (autogr.)

 48    AHC to the Manager, Westminster Bank Ltd., 18 July – the Seligman Memorial Trustees decided to match the contributions to the Endowment Fund by a transfer of stock; asks for certificate in order that application for transfer can be lodged (tpc.)

 49    I. Schapera, RAI President 1961-63, AHC & H.E. Wadsworth, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1962-70, 28 Feb. 1963 – circular letter on the Endowment Fund; the Seligman Memorial Trust comes to an end of 31 July 1963; on the Trust, which has contributed £13,000 to the Fund’s total of £27,000; the interest from the Fund, as well as from the Trust’s capital fund, is available to the RAI as additional income; a sum of £7,000 remains to the Trustees; asks for help in matching Mrs Seligman’s generosity by sending a contribution (printed)

  9/    Miscellaneous and undated

  1    H.J. Braunholtz, RAI President 1937-39, to Fellows, Dec. 1937 – on moving to 21 Bedford Square; on the financial position of the RAI; expenses have increased and subsidies ceased; suggests that the present subscription should be treated as a minimum subscription; asks Fellows to contribute to a Capital Fund; contributions will be increased by one third if paid by deed of covenant (printed)

  2    Ibid., nd – ‘Appeal for Funds’ [another version of previous item] (printed)

  3    nd – draft letter to colonial servants. 4 leaves (tp. draft)

  4    nd – document on the RAI; gives some background information; mentions the Horniman bequest; outlines the change of costs following the war; on decision to ask Fellows to pay a larger annual subscription; on founding a centre of information; on housing together a number of societies. 2 leaves (tp.)

  5    nd – document about research in subjects allied to anthropology; on collaboration with other scientists; on a new lectureship; on the choice of lecturer. 3 leaves (tp.)

  6    nd – list of appeals made for the Endowment Fund, Oct. 1956-Nov. 1958 (tp. with autogr. additions)

  7    nd – document about Prof. Seligman’s acquisition of the two ivory masks; one is in the British Museum; on his widow selling the other mask for the benefit of the RAI Endowment Fund; on the RAI’s financial difficulties; on Prof. Seligman (tp. with autogr. corrections)

  8    Barbara Bentley, Administrative Secretary, to WBF, 27 Nov. 1972 – thanks him for copy of letter sent to Mr Birdsall; when the £100 is received, Edmund will write a thank-you letter (tp.)

  9    Ibid. to Derek Birdsall, ibid. – WBF has sent a copy of his letter; if he needs any more information, asks that he let her know (tpc.)