The list below is classified by alphabetical order. You can also view the full list by reference order. All material produced within the most recent thirty years has been omitted from this website, and there may be restrictions on viewing certain items. Please consult the archivist for further detail.

Born 1907; read history, Emmanuel College, Cambridge; Indian Civil Service, 1930; Deputy Commissioner of the Santal Parganas, 1942-1946; editor of Man in India, 1942-1949; Keeper of the Indian section of the Victoria and Albert Museum, 1949; Royal Asiatic Society’s Burton Memorial Medal, 1978; died, 1979.

The teaching of social anthropology: report on a Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists held at Kings College, Cambridge from September22nd to 25th 1958

African rural urban migration: a decision making perspective. Vancouver, University of British Columbia, January 1971